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The kidnapped Asian boy was rescued, the suspect was familiar with the Chinese uncle

 13 May 2018

Kidnapped Kunzhou Boys. (photo of the Daily Mail)

Gold Coast1, a 12-year-old Asian boy, was kidnapped on Friday and rescued in the new state the next day. The Chinese suspect, an acquaintance of the boys` family, will be charged with kidnapping and extortion.

The boy was dragged into a car at about 03:30 on Friday outside his home in (Mudgeeraba), on the Gold Coast, the Australian Broadcasting Corporation reported. The next day, 12:00, police found the boy in (Grafton), Grafton, a new state 240 kilometers from the site of the accident.

Local people found the dark blue Gyibug compass model (Jeep Compass) SUV, described in Amber Alert (amber alert) and then reported the case to police. Police found the kidnapped boy in the car and a 53-year-old suspect. The man is now in custody. Detective Inspector Hogan (Marc Hogan) told reporters yesterday afternoon that Kunzhou police will apply for extradition of the man to Kunzhou on Monday and will prosecute the suspect for kidnapping and extortion.

The 53-year-old suspect is now settled in Xinzhou, of Chinese descent, not related to the kidnapped boy, but acquainted with the boys` family.

Suspected of causing money dispute due to gambling, the amount of money dispute is as high as 20 million RMB.

Police appear to suspect the motive was related to the man`s gambling debts and are investigating. Hogan said it was an acquaintance and suspected of having something to do with money or "personal borrowing." He said: "before the boy was kidnapped, someone asked for money from the boy`s family, which accelerated the speed of police targeting suspects to a certain extent." And added that the police are investigating the possibility of a third person involved.

According to the Brisbane Times, the kidnappers demanded "their money back" and said the money dispute was related to the gambling. The Messenger Post reported that the case involved 20 million yuan (5 million Australian dollars) in gambling debt. The police only confirmed that there was a "substantial sum of money" involved.

The victim`s family denied the gambling, but police are still investigating gambling`s lead.

Several months before the abduction, the boy`s family was allegedly threatened with other extortion.

The boy`s family arrived in Grafton last night and was reunited at the local police station. Prior to this, the slight injuries found on the boy had been treated by medical care. Hogan said the injuries on the boy were consistent with the strangulation marks tied to the rope. In addition to the marks, the police sent the boy to the hospital for a full check-up, Hogan said.

Hogan said the police successfully used traffic surveillance cameras to track the vehicle, and with the help of the new state police, tracking officers quickly locked down the suspect`s location. Hogan also thanked the media, the public and the new state police for their assistance in the case.

*This article does not represent the views of us.

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