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Can the new crown vaccine : blue blood play a big role?

 10 Jul 2020

Unlike other creatures, the mythical wild animal has magical blue blood.

The oldest living creatures in the world, hou, horseshoe crab, have lived on Earth for more than 300 million years and are true living fossils.

If you've never heard of this creature, but you' ve probably been given injections or vaccinations vaccine, you should be grateful for it.

Unlike other creatures, the mythical wild animal has a magical blue blood, which makes it uniquely medical.

Of course, the magic of blood is not its color, but its antibacterial ability.

Medical value

Bacteria detection agents —— limulus reagents have been developed by human using the antibacterial ability of limulus.

Human beings have developed bacteriological agents —— limulus agents using this antimicrobial capability.

For decades, humans have collected blood and used its extracts to develop vaccine or new drug reagents.

And now scientists are using it to help develop Coronavirus vaccine.

Limulus reagent not only rapid reaction and high sensitivity, for example, drop in limulus reagent injection, if the reagent immediately solidified or discolored, indicating that the injection contains harmful bacteria.

So scientists use it to test the safety of new drugs and reagents, because even the slightest bit of dangerous bacteria in the drug can kill people.

Blood is the only creature on earth that can meet human needs.

To this end, approximately 500,000 prisoners are arrested and taken to laboratories to "donate blood" each year in the United States alone.

No one knows what effect it will have on living-blood slugs that are released into the wild.

Terrible consequences

No one knows what effect it will have on living-blood slugs that are released into the wild.

Experts initially felt that almost all of the "blood donors" would survive, but recent studies have found that up to 30% of the estimated death. would be

Other studies have shown that it may not be easy for women to reproduce after they have done so.

Wildlife activists expressed concern and concern.

Dr. Brumer of the New Jersey State Conservation Working Group told the The British Broadcasting Corporation that no one knows how much blood limulus will be affected after blood drawing.

The number of U.S. slugs is now close to extinction.

Some environmentalists hope to stop this blood-thumping.

But some big pharmaceutical companies say statistics show that the number of 9651;9651;9651;9651;9651;9651;9651;9651;9651;9651;9651;9651;9651;9651;9651;9651;9651;9651;9651;9651;9651;9651;9651;9651;9651;9651;9651;9651;9651;9651;9651;9651;9651;9651;9651;9651;9651;9651;9651;965

find alternative products?

Can people find alternative products, such as synthetic reagents, without the natural resource of blood?

In 2016, scientists found an alternative product that was thought to be no problem pharmaceutical companies in Europe and the United States began to use it.

Last month, however, companies responsible for U.S. pharmaceutical safety standards said they could not prove the alternative works well.

And any company that wants to sell drugs to the U.S. is told that they need to continue testing with the traditional method of blood clams.

According to some pharmaceutical companies, they can both meet the requirements vaccine the new crown in the United States and draw less blood from the cat.

But dr. bloomer says she wants us drug safety companies to reconsider because, after all, some other companies around the world are using alternative methods.

"It would also free us from dependence on this natural resource ," she said.

*This article does not represent the views of us.

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