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North Korea reopening the tourist gate? British Travel Agency to Korea Recruitment of Visitors in Octobe

 02 Jul 2020

North korea tightly blocked the border at the start of a new type of coronary virus pneumonia (COVID-19) outbreak, but recently showed signs of restarting travel to north korea for foreign tourists.

A notice of recruitment was posted on the company`s website on June 30th by the "principal travel agency "(Juche Travel Services), a British travel agency that receives travel to the DPRK. The principal travel agency, the British online travel agency authorized by the Korean state-run "Korea International Travel Agency" for travel formalities, opened in 2011.

Britain`s "main travel agency" dedicated to travel to North Korea on the 30th published on its website in October will recruit tourists to North Korea notice. [Image from main travel agency website screenshot]

Britain`s "main travel agency" dedicated to travel to North Korea on the 30th published on its website in October will recruit tourists to North Korea notice. [Image from main travel agency website screenshot]

The site has a four-day, three-night trip on October 18 and an eight-day, seven-night trip via Beijing to North Korea on October 18. Visitors can take photos at Pyongyang Shun`an International Airport or experience the Koryo Hotel, Datong River Beer peace Earth Subway, according to the travel agency. There are also visits to the Victory Memorial and to the U.S. Investigative Ship "Pueblo ", which was seized in 1968, as well as to the Kaesong non military area (DMZ).

In particular, North Korea plans to provide visitors with a pilot flight experience, such as Il-18, Il-62, Il-76, Tu-134, Tu-154, An-24, An-148, and most of the short- and medium-range regional jets that have stopped production. A minimum participation fee of 1395~1695 euros per person (approximately 1.87 million won ~2.28 million won) would be additional based on different travel items.

Attention is drawn to the fact that scheduled to follow the 75th anniversary of the founding of the DPRK (20 October). Han government sources explained that north korea blocked the border at the end of february as the outbreak spread and suspended flights to and from china (beijing, shenyang, shanghai) and russia (vladivostok). If the travel agency`s travel products, including flights, and the recruitment of tourists are true, that means North Korea will allow some foreign tourists to enter the country after the anniversary of the founding of the Party.

He added that North Korea claimed to be a "zero-confirmed country ', requiring all domestic and foreign persons entering the country to be segregated for more than a month ," it remains to be seen whether it believes that the epidemic will ease after October, or whether it has to earn foreign exchange through tourism because of the double-hit economic of the epidemic and sanctions imposed on North Korea ."

North Korea also announced the same day through the publicity media "my country" three minutes and 30 seconds of publicity short, to convey the news Pyongyang the renovation of the golf course. Some analysts believe the video is either intended to attract foreign tourists.

*This article does not represent the views of us.

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