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After being kidnapped by Taliban for three years, Professor Australia was released and his family was happy.

 20 Nov 2019

A year after Wax was kidnapped, he appeared in a video released by Taliban in 2017

Professor Wilkes (Timothy Weeks), an Australian scholar who has been kidnapped in Afghanistan for three years, was released yesterday (Tuesday) after finally ending his nightmares.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison said today that the family of Vieques is about to return to the "exhilarating".

He said Foreign Minister Penn (Marise Payne) told his family Wednesday morning after Vickers and his kidnapped American scholar Kim (Kevin King) were released and handed over to U. S. troops in Afghanistan.

He said he was "in good condition" given that Professor Wax had experienced "three years of hell" during his detention by terrorist groups.

Australian scholar Wilkes and American scholar Kim were kidnapped by Taliban forces outside an American university in Afghanistan in August 2016. The next year Taliban released a video of the two men.

The Afghan president announced on television a week ago that he would release three senior Taliban commanders in exchange for the release of the two hostages, a difficult decision he must do for the benefit of the Afghan people.

Three senior Taliban commanders released by government from Afghanistan flew to Qatar, the Gulf Arab state, on Tuesday, followed by Vickers and King, who were also released by Taliban in Afghanistan and handed over to US troops in Afghanistan.

Three Taliban commanders, including the younger brother Anas Haqqani, deputy commander of Taliban, also heads the dreaded Haqqani network.

*This article does not represent the views of us.

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