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Biden: It was Russia that intervened in the election, not China

 06 Sep 2020


Less than two months before the presidential election, the topic of foreign intervention in the U.S. election is of particular concern to American voters. Who is interfering in the US presidential election? Democratic presidential candidate Biden (Joe Biden) said: Russia is not China; White House National Security Adviser O'Brien (Robert O' brien) said: China plays the most positively role.

Mr. Biden said at a journalist meeting in Delaware Thursday that he does not consider China the largest U.S. presidential election threat, according to information he has learned, nor did he support the judiciary minister Barr (William Barr) to consider China the biggest threat. in the election

Biden said many countries around the world are happy to see U.S. elections unstable, with Russia the hardest, most persistent, and never lax.

Barr said in an interview with CNN (CNN) Tuesday that he believes China is more aggressive in trying to intervene in U.S. elections than Russia or Iran, and Barr said he had read the information before making that conclusion.

Biden criticized Barr as a bad justice minister, worse intelligence officer. Joe Biden questioned Trump government because Trump wanted to avoid a positive conflict. with Russian President Vladimir Putin

Biden said his election would put the consequences on any country trying to influence U.S. elections, and would respond to Russia's interference in U.S. elections.

White House national security adviser O'Brien 4 in the White House journalist will reply to journalist inquiries: in the United States presidential election intervention countries, China is the largest and most positively role; the United States has reminded China and other countries, intervention in the United States election will face consequences.

O'Brien has been the third senior official to refer to China as the largest threat, following the national intelligence director, Ratcliffe (John Ratcliffe), and the judicial minister, Barr (William Barr), caliber is quite consistent.

Since 2016, foreign interference in the presidential election has become an important issue in the United States election. China, Russia and Iran are likely to intervene in the 2020 presidential election, the ODI said in a report released on Monday. The report also analyzes the three countries' preferences for individual candidates: China wants Trump not to be re-elected, Russia resents Democratic presidential candidate Biden, and Iran intends to harm U.S. presidential Trump.

China is known to play the positively role in meddling in the u.s. presidential election, with russia and iran involved, and the u.s. has taken unprecedented steps to strengthen its electoral infrastructure, mr. o'brien said. "We have drawn the red line and clearly told China, Russia and Iran that trying to intervene in the U.S. election will have unintended consequences ," O'Brien said. "

*This article does not represent the views of us.

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