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Seriously! Adelaide, a bad dog is staring at his master! Who dares say that their dogs don't bite?

 20 Nov 2018

A 55-year-old Adelaide woman, who was badly injured in her head and arm after being maliciously attacked by her dog, has been taken to a stretcher and taken to Royal Adelaide Hospital where she is said to be seriously ill.

The accident occurred at 8 a.m. on Nov. 19 in a house in (Salisbury), Salisbury, north of Adelaide.

Shortly after the woman was bitten by her dog, staff of the (Salisbury) Council in Salisbury rushed to the scene and, at the request of the bitten owner, seized the dog.

The dog, a breed of bulldog and mastiff, was soon euthanized at the request of its bitten owner.

Neighbors in the neighborhood described the vicious attack as "very terrible", adding that they often saw the dog wandering around the neighborhood.

"the dog is terrible," said Debbie (Deb), a neighbor of the bitten woman. "even if it wasn`t its owner this time, it would be anyone who lives here. Now, I just want the bitten to be okay."

Another neighbor, speaking on condition of anonymity, said in an interview that when she saw the dog running around, she dared not go out. She had to hide at home and wait for the dog to walk away.

*This article does not represent the views of us.

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