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Australia's net immigration has soared, with 80% of new state residents opposed to growing too fast

 19 Mar 2019

(Wynyard) Railway Station, Winyad, Sydney, during rush hour. (photo by Daily Mail)

According to the Daily Mail, eight out of every 10 people in Australia`s most crowded cities oppose an excessive increase in immigration.

It is reported that a news poll of more than 1000 voters in Sydney and New York remote areas. The results show that 25% of respondents want Australia`s immigration growth to slow down. Another 55% want immigration growth to remain the same. This means that 80% of people in Australia`s most populous new state do not want immigration to grow faster than the current record.

In the survey, only 16% said they wanted immigration to grow faster.

Australia welcomed 832560 permanent and long-term immigrants in 2018, an increase of 7.1 percent from 2017, according to official data released in February.

Taking into account the number of people leaving Australia, Australia`s annual net immigration in 2018 reached a four-and-a-half-year high of 291250. Most new arrivals settled in already overcrowded Sydney and Melbourne.

On the other hand, fast-growing numbers of skilled immigrants and students are believed to have curbed Australia`s economic downturn.

Australia fell into a per capita recession last year, the first time in nearly 13 years, after removing immigration. Wealth per Australian fell 0.1 percent in the third quarter of last year and 0.2 percent in the final quarter. This is Australia`s first per capita recession since 2006.

Sydney`s over-development has become a major issue in the new state`s campaign. New state governor Berkshire (Gladys Berejiklian) called on the federal government to reduce Australia`s net immigration.

Sydney now has a population of 5.5 million, making it Australia`s most crowded city. In the 20th century, Australia`s annual net immigrant population averaged 70,000, rising to more than one hundred thousand in 2002 and more than two hundred thousand in 2012.

*This article does not represent the views of us.

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