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A man hides in the bathroom at Sydney Mall, trying to sexually assault a 12-year-old boy

 25 Apr 2017

What`s the matter with the world? why do men have trouble with men?

Even the 12-year-old couldn`t let go.

It is reported that around 08:15 last night, a man deliberately sexually assaulted a 12-year-old boy in the bathroom of a shopping mall in Sydney.

The 12-year-old boy walked into a cubicle in the Bass Hill Plaza bathroom and found someone in the cubicle, and without closing the door, the boy quickly wanted to leave and go to the bathroom in another cubicle.

As a result, the adult man in the compartment grabbed the boy, put his arms around his waist, and pulled him into the cubicle.

He kept pulling the boy into his body, and attacked him in the head.

Just as the boy was struggling, there were two men in the bathroom, both of whom were stunned at the scene.

The boy took the opportunity to break free of the man`s claw and managed to escape from the bathroom.

The man left the mall after an attempted sexual assault.

After receiving the police call, Bankstown local police rushed to the scene to obtain the suspect`s surveillance video.

If you have any information about the suspect, please call Bankstown Police in time or call 1800 333,000 at once.

*This article does not represent the views of us.

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