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Why did the University of Melbourne Teaching Building change its name? Behind this is a bloody racial discrimination story.

 26 Mar 2017

Friends who study at Mo University, this semester must have found a problem: math building Richard Berry Building changed the name!

(now renamed Peter Hall)

Why did this name, which has been in use for decades, suddenly change? So this starts with Professor Richard Berry`s past.

Richard Berry (1867 (1962), a former head of the Department of Anatomy at the University of Mexico and an influential surgeon, despite his brilliant achievements, Professor Berry`s belief is a bit frightening.

For example, he lobbied the goverment department to "sterilize, isolate and put in a gas chamber" aboriginal Australians, homosexuals, the poor and prostitutes.

(Richard Berry, has Hitler`s soul in his heart.

And all this is because he believes in eugenics (Eugenics)! That is, through selective fertility to improve the race.

It sounds professional, but we are all familiar with it, because Nazi goverment, during World War II massacred Jews under the pretext of eugenics.

(eugenics diagram)

Our professor Berry inherited the idea.

In Hitler`s view, the Aryans were the best race, and the quality of the population could be guaranteed by extermination of the "inferior" Jewish species.

And we, Professor Berry, share his thinking that with the complete extinction of the genes of aboriginal, gay and loser in Australia, Australia can become an elite country.

Of course, in his understanding, elite = white heterosexual

(Australia`s representative Nicole Chee slow to applaud you)

Despite the infamous pseudoscience, we must admit that Professor Berry is very scientific.

To prove his eugenics, he experimented with more than 400 aboriginal Australian corpses, many of them stolen from their traditional cemeteries.

(map of traditional graveyard)

And he hid the bodies for decades, and it wasn`t until 2003 that they were found!

And, in spite of the slaughterer`s soul, he seemed to be blessed by God until he died at the age of 95, and he did not give up his faith until the day of his death.

However, the students and faculty members are full of dissatisfaction with him, and after years of petitions, the university finally agreed to change the name of the building to Peter Hall Building this yea

On the left, this is Peter Hall, who died last year. This change of name is also a tribute to Professor Hall`s contribution to mathematics and statistics.

Tyson Holloway-Clarke, an indigenous student representative at Mozambican University, said he welcomed the belated settlement because of its long history of racial discrimination and its refusal to acknowledge it.

(Odette Kelada, Aboriginal Cultural Scholar, and Tyson Holloway-Clarke, Indigenous Australian Student Representative, Mozart University)

However, this is only the first step to remove the residue of patriarchism, because Mozart is not the only building named after the discriminators.

The Frank Tart Learning Centre,Tart, for example, has proposed forced sterilization of 15 percent of the state`s population, including aborigines, homosexuals, sex workers, criminals, epilepsy, low-witted businessmen and the bottom of the state. It was frightening that the proposal had been passed, but it had not been put into effect.

And Agar Lecture, in Zoology building was named in honor of Wilfred Agar. Professor Agar, however, has been preaching that indigenous cultures are shabby and has set up a mixed-blood children`s compound in Darwin, forcing the separation of children from their indigenous parents.

And Baldwin Spencer Building, is named after Professor Spencer, who believes indigenous species will gradually vanish, making way for white evolution. To that end, he called for the establishment of indigenous reserves, the isolation of them from modern civilization and the deprivation of their children.

Most distressing, John Medley Building, a landmark building, is also part of, John Medley, a member of the Victorian eugenics community.

Imagine, if you have a native pedigree, to teach in a building like this, it would be like a needle felt.

However, a spokesman for Mexico University said there are no plans to rename other buildings.

Come on, Murda! To remove the remains of racism, there is still a long way to go!

*This article does not represent the views of us.

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