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If you go up, even the visa fee will go up this time, 'said the renminbi:' I am also very helpless. '

 12 May 2017

After the increase in tuition fees and various fees, the visa fee in Australia, yes, also went up with a little smile.

In his budget statement, Treasury Secretary Scott Morrison announced that visa fees would be linked to inflation over the next four years, bringing in four hundred and nine million nine hundred and ninety nine thousand nine hundred and ninety nine Australian dollars in revenue.

This means that, starting July 1, 2017, the fees for all types of visas will keep pace with the projected consumer price index, which means it will become more expensive.

The visa fee index is updated once a year and rounded to A $5, according to the SBS. However, the index only applies to the first visa application fee.

Specific to all types of visas, such as student visas will rise by 10 Australian dollars, from the original $550 to $560; Visa fees for adult associate applicants will rise to $420 from July 1, 2017; employer-sponsored and regionally-funded immigration program visas will also rise by 70 Australian dollars to $3670. Spouse immigration visas rose the most, from $6865 to $7,000.

Specific types of visa price changes, big picture

At the same time, the federal goverment has issued a new temporary sponsorship visa (Temporary Sponsored Visa), the main beneficiary of which is the parents of people who have emigrated to Australia. The three-year visa fee will change to $5,000,5-year visa fee will be $10,000.

To make matters worse, Finance Minister Morrison also announced that foreign workers holding temporary work visas would have to pay $1200 or $1800 per person a year. Employers pay a one-time fee of $3000 or $5000 for a permanent technical visa.

Small businesses, with annual turnover of less than 10 million Australian dollars, have to pay $1200 a year for each employee who holds a temporary work visa, while employees with permanent technical visas will pay $3,000 a year.

Medium-sized and large enterprises (turnover exceeds 10 million Australian dollars per year), which will increase to $1800 (temporary work visa) and $5000 (permanent technical visa) respectively.

*This article does not represent the views of us.

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