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New state government plans to invest in 6 billion to build and upgrade school

 14 Jun 2018

In the upcoming state budget, the state government will allocate A $6 billion to public schools in the new state. New schools, classrooms and upgrades will be implemented over the next four years.

Fairfax Media (Fairfax Media) reported that the plan aims to improve the state`s growing number of students and school resources do not match. By 2031, the number of students in the state is expected to reach about one hundred and sixty three thousand nine hundred and ninety nine, and 170 new or upgraded schools are expected to be built or upgraded. Next week`s planned budget includes 20 new schools starting this year.

Governor Gladys Berejiklian said on Thursday, "We are working on a school project that the new state has never had before. This year`s budget has raised the level of the project to a new level. I am proud that our government is making unprecedented investments in schools and students. "

The picture shows the new school to be built

The project plans to establish new primary schools in areas such as Green Square,Westmead,Rhodes East,Edmondson Park,Gregory Hills and Murrumbateman. A new high school will be built in Edmondson Park, and will be upgraded to three high schools, including Randwick Boys and Girls,Birrong Boys and Girls and Cecil Hill High.

The plan also includes spending A $500m on air conditioning in as many as 1000 schools.

Governor Berejiklian, Finance Secretary Dominic Perrottet and Education Secretary Rob Stokes announced a cooler classroom (Cooler Classrooms) policy that will improve the learning environment by providing convenient learning conditions for thousands of classrooms and libraries across the state.

Governor Berejiklian said in a statement: "the money will ensure that previously unair-conditioned classrooms can be equipped with air conditioning."

Air conditioning installation projects will target schools in the most needed cities, areas and remote areas. To ensure the sustainability of the plan, all air conditioners will generate electricity from solar panels and, if possible, will be stored and preserved by batteries.

*This article does not represent the views of us.

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