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Chinese parents come to Australia can not speak English, willing to work as a cleaner, with the help of dictionaries, the son, this year's exam 99.85 points

 19 Dec 2017

Everyone may have a different reason to choose to emigrate to Australia. For many parents, however, there is only one reason to emigrate to Australia:

In order to make the children receive better education!

For such a simple reason, a couple from China resolutely came to Australia with their son, Hu Jiaming (Daniel Hu). Born at the bottom, without higher education, not speaking English, they are not afraid of hardship, not afraid of tired, daily cleaners, relying on Chinese and English dictionaries to help their son help with his homework, in the end, the son in the college entrance examination achieved an outstanding score of 99.85!

Their story may not represent all Chinese immigrants, but it reflects the hard work of all Chinese parents for their children.

The following is Hu Jiaming`s self-statement:

I still remember when I first came to Australia 13 years ago. At that time, I just went to kindergarten, sat in the classroom to learn 26 English letters and how to count from 1 to 100 in English. I thought I`d have a good time.

However, I soon realized that this was not the case: all the children in kindergarten were able to communicate and communicate fluently in English. I was the only one who could not even introduce myself in English.

Network mapping

My parents are immigrants from China. They came to Australia to give me a better future. They don`t have higher education, they can hardly speak any English, and they both work as cleaners when they come to Australia. My family has been living below the poverty line, and to this day, my parents` income is less than the Australian average.

My parents are the most selfless and loving people in the world. They have made a lot of efforts to get me a good education. But at first, I didn`t understand their sacrifice. I hate poverty. I hate being bullied by other students because I`m poor. In grade 12, I was the only one in the school who didn`t buy uniforms.

My father didn`t know an English word. In order to help me with my lessons, he bought a Chinese-English dictionary every night to help me with my lessons. Other students can finish 10 minutes of homework, I may need 3 hours.

Network mapping

In order to cover my living expenses and get me a good education, my father did several cleaning jobs during the day and dragged my tired body to guide my homework at night.

In the year of the college entrance examination, my father was hospitalized and operated on several times because of overwork.

I know, my parents pay me, I can not repay in my life. All I can do is study hard, get good grades and make them proud of me.

I study hard and hope to give full play to my potential in every subject. I know that I have never been a clever child and that my intelligence is only moderate, but it does not prevent me from studying hard.

Seven years ago, elite high school test results came out, I was successfully admitted to the Sydney Boys High School, so good students and famous elite school, and I score better than most children growing up in wealthy families! My parents were overjoyed.

This year, I graduated from this high school, in the college entrance examination, I got a good score of 99.85. Although I was a little frustrated when I failed to score 99.90 points and get a scholarship because of my mistakes, I was very proud of my grades, given my family and background. And all this is due to my parents, they are the real credit.

Someone might say that the ATAR score doesn`t matter, it doesn`t determine your life, but for me, it`s the only way for me to go to a good university, get a stable job, and let my children enjoy a better education and life.

In these 13 years of study, my greatest achievement is to learn a truth:

Success does not necessarily belong to those who are born wise or well-off,

Success belongs to those who work hard.

And behind every child`s hard work, there is selfless love and support from their parents.

Thank you, Mom and Dad!

I love you!

A few days ago, Victoria`s college entrance examination results were also announced, 36 full scores, everywhere can be seen of Chinese children.

Behind this, must also be a lot of parents selfless pay and sacrifice. In this world, any love may gradually disappear over time, only the love of parents, will accompany us all our lives.

Tears! For all the world`s parents!

*This article does not represent the views of us.

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