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How much does it cost to go to primary and secondary schools in Australia? 2018 latest figures: tuition fees vary widely and other expenses are the same!

 13 Jul 2018

As Australia`s primary and secondary schools begin to start, the Australian Scholarship Association, (The Australian Scholarships Group Friendly Society Ltd, (ASG), announces the cost of education in state schools, private schools, and church schools.

In general, that fee for public school is much lower than that of the private school and the school, but the tuition and miscellaneous expenses include extra-curricular activities, school uniforms, school supplies, travel, and computers. In particular in private and public schools.

Therefore, whether domestic parents or local parents, when selecting schools for their children, taking into account teachers and other objective factors, but also consider the family`s affordability.

01 Australia and all kinds of school fees

According to the latest data, unsurprisingly, the cost of private schools is much higher than that of public schools and churches, and it has leapt up! The average total cost of private primary and secondary schools was A $25278 and A $15122, respectively.

The average total cost of primary and secondary schools in public schools is A $4628 and A $3136. The total cost of church primary and secondary schools is still in between A $14334 and A $7029, respectively.

The average cost of secondary schools in all of the country`s properties is as follows:

The average cost of primary schools by nature throughout the country is as follows:

A problem can be found through the comparison is that the cost of various types of school miscellaneous in the transformation from primary to secondary school, the cost is double the trend. In addition, the cost of school uniforms and study necessities in private schools is much higher than that of public schools!

While the overall cost of public schools is much lower than that of private schools, and tuition fees are several times cheaper, tuition fees almost catch up with private schools.

Comparison of education costs in the state of 02 and new state

In addition, there are some differences in the costs of primary and secondary schools in different regions, such as the fact that the total cost of public secondary schools in the state is higher than in new state public schools, and in the case of private secondary schools, the new state is higher than that of the state. Of course, both states have higher tuition fees than the country`s average.

The costs of secondary schools of various types in Victoria are as follows:

The costs of secondary schools in the new state are as follows:

In primary school fees, it can still be found that the total cost of the state primary school is higher than that of the new state public primary school, while the cost of the new state private primary school is slightly lower than that of the new state private primary school.

The specific costs of primary schools of various types in Victoria are as follows:

The collection of primary school fees of various types in the new prefecture is as follows:

Overall, if you want your children to go to private schools, you can choose Victoria private schools; if you want children to go to public schools, you can give priority to the new state.

Although the overall difference is not too big, but it is not better to save a bit.

03 tuition fees become a big burden for families

I don`t know if parents have noticed a problem when they see all kinds of primary and secondary school fees, that is, Australian schools pay a lot of tuition and miscellaneous fees. Public schools in particular, although tuition fees are mostly not too high, but tuition fees have increased the overall cost several times.

For example, the tuition at the state`s public primary school is $674, but the tuition fees are as high as $2842, a whole four-fold increase. It`s also a cause for many of the Australian parents, such as the "If you want to go to school in Australia, pay for tuition and miscellaneous expenses first."!

High school fees also forced Melbourne`s mother, Melanie, to borrow money from all over the place to raise school fees, and even cut back on clothing and food, even buying used uniforms for children`s school uniforms.

Others have had to seek help from non-profit groups such as The Smith Family, which aim to help poor Australian children finish their studies. Just because some freak schools impose an extra burden on their families.

Therefore, when we choose a school for our children, we must combine the financial burden of the family, the characteristics of the child and the comprehensive strength of the school.

Also, look at the tuition fees, but also to see if the tuition fees have exceeded your financial range!

*This article does not represent the views of us.

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