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Sydney Yacht birthday party turned into a mass fight! The scene was out of control and six people were arrested

 25 Feb 2018

A young woman intended to spend her 21st birthday on a luxury yacht was supposed to be an unforgettable day, but no one could have guessed that the birthday party had turned into a fight play.

Several people were injured in the fight, and the birthday heroine Batalla (Lana Marie Battaglia) was pushed down the stairs and eventually carried off the luxurious cruise ship on a stretcher. Riot broke out in a large number of revelers at the scene, and the police intervened to disperse.

Batalla, from Oran Park, was discharged from St. Vincent`s Hospital yesterday, (St Vincent`s Hospital).

Batalla`s 57-year-old friend, Karambano (Rose Carambano), was among the 50 guests invited to the birthday party, but she was not present at the beginning of the fight. "it was terrible," she said. "when I heard the news last night, I thought she would never forget her birthday. It was terrible."

Batalla`s buttocks are still in pain, and some of her friends have been punched in the face.

At about 11:00 last night, police received a report to King Street wharf, and a 30-meter-long cruise ship named The Constellation had a brawl.

The ship left the dock at 05:30 but returned five hours later because some drunken guests had to disembark. Police said a woman fell from the dock into the water as the yacht was about to set out again, which was the trigger for the fight.

A spokeswoman for the Constellation yacht said she had witnessed what had happened, calling the terrible incident very objectionable.

She said, "there were two girls who were not feeling well, so they got off the boat with their friends." But one of them didn`t want to leave, and her companion told her she had to get off the boat. She kept shouting that she didn`t want to get off the boat, and it looked like she was losing her temper, and we tried to leave, and then there was a lot of fighting, and there were people all over the place. "

The spokeswoman also said that another group of "not on board" people also joined the fight, making the scene even more chaotic. "this is the first time this has happened to us, so it`s really frustrating," she said.

Karambano said the conflict began when the yacht returned to King Street dock. It is understood that the cruise ship was planned by Batalla`s mother as a birthday gift.

A 23-year-old woman and two men, 24 and 26, were both charged with fighting. A 23-year-old woman was charged with ordinary assault, a 25-year-old woman was charged with obstructing police in carrying out official duties and another 25-year-old woman was charged with assaulting police officers.

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