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Nine public rental housing blocks in Melbourne have been closed and tenants are exempt from rent and receive a maximum of $hardship allowance

 06 Jul 2020

On Saturday afternoon, nine public housing blocks in Melbourne were blocked. Victoria's governor, Andrews (Daniel Andrews), said more than 3,000 public rental housing tenants who had been locked down would be exempted from paying rent within two weeks and would provide a range of economic support to all tenants.


"For those who have a job but are unable to work due to a tight blockade, they will receive a hardship allowance of $1,500," he said. "

For families who do not work, they will also receive a hardship allowance of $750. "

Andrews also said the public health team would start testing everyone door-to-door and he believes all residents can cooperate.

The authorities is reported to have organized food, medical supplies and basic services overnight and arranged to provide support to drug 、 problems such as alcohol and domestic violence.

The Governor said ," It won't be a pleasant experience for the residents, but I just want to tell them: it's not punishment, it's protecting them. "

Nine public housing blocks in Flemington and North Melbourne were blocked Saturday after at least 23 cases of Coronavirus infection were found in 12 households.

According to the Health authorities, this major initiative is necessary in view of the nature of the buildings, as many people live together and use utilities such as elevators and laundry.

In other closed areas in Melbourne, residents can leave home for four reasons: work or education, exercise, medical care or provision of care services, and purchase of supplies. But residents in these nine buildings can not leave their homes for any reason.

Andrews said the practice is similar to the measures taken by geriatric care institutions to protect the population after confirmed case.

"It's absolutely necessary to stay in your cell ," Andrews said. "If a lot of people who already have potential health problems get infected virus, then they'll die, that's all. "

The Governor also pledged to meet the needs of "every" resident.

Local residents said this morning that they had not received any information or food supplies.

A large number of people simply learn from the media about the blockade or are stopped by the police when they try to enter or leave the building.

Andrews said authorities would provide support through culturally and linguistically "appropriate ways ".

"We will continue to listen to the voices of these inhabitants, to hear from them their most immediate needs and then to strive to meet them. "

Andrews added that some basic supplies had arrived last night, including activity kits and meals for children, which will also arrive today.

At the same time, the government is working with the Red Cross to provide residents with a single point of contact that they can express any needs they need.

"Everything from food, baby milk powder to pet food will be satisfied ," he said. "

High-rise buildings in public housing are "at great risk"

Another four new cases were related to public housing flats yesterday, bringing the total to 27, said Victoria's Chief Health Officer (Brett Sutton).

virus has "real explosion potential" in a densely populated high-rise building, he said.

"So I think this is an appropriate public health response. "

*This article does not represent the views of us.

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