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Melbourne tuition cost of living at the bottom of three hundred and forty thousand a year? Prices skyrocketed, can afford to smoke, fall in love with the big guy!

 25 May 2018

Mom and Dad, I really do not take drugs, really just in earnest study ah! I have to say that studying in Australia is really becoming more and more difficult.

Aside from the upcoming final exam, the price of food is rising, the prices of household goods are rising, and many foreign students who are going up in fuel are being forced to sell their cars with tears.

On the way to school, you have to accept the exploitation of the great philanthropists who raise money for African children.

I was studying abroad and asked, "Dad, how long will it take to get there?"

And the freshmen who are going to study in Australia are also asking: "Sister, how much money can this bring?"

In the past on the issue of studying abroad, students always have a stereotype, that is, the United Kingdom and the United States is the leader of the academic community. Teaching quality is high, the cost is also the most expensive.

In fact, there have been tremendous changes in the field of study in recent years, and the overall academic rankings of Australian universities have made great strides in various lists, although there is still some distance from the top of the list. But Australia is already at the top of the list of global fees for studying abroad, published in the Times.

Kick the United States, England and Canada, overshadowed Asia, Africa and Latin America.

The cost of studying in Australia for a year is enough to spend seven and a half years in our neighbour India.

On the more detailed list of graduate student fees, Australia is also more expensive than the United States by 2w3.

Tuition fees are rising, and every aspect of life is also growing rapidly.

Now Australia`s study abroad has gone from a southward journey into a game between Australian living standards and parents` wage increases, and whether we can do nothing about it.

About four years ago, when my parents and friends asked me how much it would cost to stay in Australia, I dare say a small 300000 is enough. But now I dare not answer this question casually, because everything has become too fast!

Remember in Melbourne in 2014, more than $100 will be able to rent a good-looking house along the southeast, and now it`s $2300 for anything you want to look at. Better location and cave-like only the wall of the "billet house" are ashamed to call themselves minimalist style decoration, opening to 250.

With regard to how much it costs to study in Australia, RMIT officials have given us a statement in conjunction with Melbourne`s situation.

First of all, pay the rent, deposit, furniture and so on to pay a 3200 dollars first.

And look at the expenses of daily life.

The minimum cost of living, including rent, water, electricity, transportation, etc., is about $36375.

We can probably come up with tuition fees for each school, and the cost of living is about

University of Melbourne: $36375 $4,1144 / 77,519 / 374745

Monash University: $36375 $40500 / 76875 / 371631

Deacon University: $36375 $30,800 $67175 324792

RMIT University: $36375 $30720 / 67095 / 324406

If the location of residence is not reduced at the discretion of city, the cost does not take into account the recent intensive price increase, with a real-time exchange rate of 4.83.

Even at RMIT University, where economic pressure is slightly lighter, it takes 32w4 to hit the bottom of a year, and if it is the first time to come to Australia, no 34w will not be able to do so, including the cost of setting up a home in Australia for the first time. This is based on never go out to eat, never buy clothes, entertainment is not basically not, only sell discounted meat and vegetables.

We have not taken into account the more extravagant "hobbies" of smoking and dating. If you meet a friend who falls in love with a little cigarette, you might as well go up and make a friend.

Do you know if the cost calculated from the official RMIT figures is too high for you, or is it simply not enough? Close to the end of the term, if this number makes you look sad, review it.

If you can really learn something useful in Australia, do not hang up, it is a steady profit, the value of the expensive fare paid by their parents.

*This article does not represent the views of us.

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