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Catch a little devil alive! Big inventory of Tasmanian sprouts! The heart is melted.

 05 Apr 2019

In this heart-shaped island of Tasmania, in addition to the beautiful natural scenery, there are also a lot of super cute rare animals, the look of fluffy, cute, really let people see the heart of the heart has been melted!

Because of the excellent local conservation work, you can often see them in the wild, especially in the evening, the chance of meeting greatly improved oh! Of course, you can go to the zoo on the island and get in close touch with them!

Tasmanian demon Tasmania Devil.

The little demons are definitely one of the most popular stars on Tasmania, a rare animal known as a Tasmanian badger, not to look small, to look very cute, but to eat and devour. There is nothing wrong with the name of its demons.

Location: cradle Mountain Demon Cradle Conservation base, Bonorong Wildlife Conservation base, Tasmanian Demon Unzoo and other Tasmanian animal conservation base.

Koala Wombat

When it comes to Tasmania's first fool, the koala is the only one! The round man with the dull expression, adorable enough. They often take a leisurely walk near the lullaby mountain and go there and say hello to them.

Location: in the Cradle Hill area, Mariah Island can meet wild koalas, and Tasmania Zoo can also meet them.

Weasel Quoll

Compared to the first two, the pockets may not be so famous, but they wear the most in-wave coats, they have round black eyes, and they have a beautiful effect. The degree of cuteness is absolutely comparable! And this little animal can only be seen on Tasmania!

Location: Cradle Mountain Demon Conservation Centre

Platypus Platypus

Platypus is one of the most primitive mammals, as the world's endangered animals, except in textbooks, only in a few areas of Australia can be seen oh!

Location: Lanceston platypus cente

Ecole Echidna

Ecmoles have a very interesting sharp nose, very similar to hedgehogs, when in danger they also cluster together to protect themselves with thorns.

Location: Lanceston platypus cente

Fairy penguin Little penguin

Every evening, these little penguins waddle home to become a lovely sight of Tasmania. Sometimes these little penguins go into the wrong house and get kicked out of the door by their host. The cute look makes people laugh at cry..

Location of eyewitness: Biguru Bicheno

After all you've seen, aren't you crazy about it?

*This article does not represent the views of us.

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