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No settlement? The background of the female victim's husband in Gao Yunxiang's case is exposed, there is no shortage of 50 million and settlement fees.

 05 Aug 2018

Gao Yunxiang case once again has a new clue, recently, the female victim`s husband identity background was exposed. A few days ago, it was reported in the media that the female victim of Gao Yunxiang`s case was willing to settle, and the condition for the settlement was that Gao Yunxiang paid 10 million Australian dollars, or more than 50 million dollars, and the ordinary people with such high settlement costs appeared to be blinking. But the female victims of Gao Yunxiang`s case may be a small sum.

At the initial hearing of Gao Yunxiang`s arrest, the lawyers once told the court that Gao Yunxiang was a very famous actor in China equivalent to Uncle Wolf Huckman, and that Gao Yunxiang would not escape during the bail because it would ruin his future. However, the court did not accept Gao Yun Xiangfang`s opinion, so the first time the bail failed, perhaps because of this reason, the female victims will deliberately raise the settlement costs.

While the female victim and Gao Yunxiang were on the same set, it was reported that their relationship was higher and lower. Therefore, the female victim`s approximate income to Gao Yunxiang was well known. On the night of the crime, it was the husband of the female victim Zhang Xi who asked her to call the police. The price is likely to be what her husband wants.

Chun Qiu-Jun found that recently, the background of the woman victim`s husband was exposed. It turns out that he is a rich three-generation, or a well-known investor, with assets of more than three billion dollars in his family, so 50 million of the settlement expenses simply cannot enter his eyes. Zhang Xi is a rich man, so the female victim will always insist on taking the legal process, even if the court so many times, still submitting evidence, accusing Gao Yunxiang.? If Gao Yunxiang does not find more favorable evidence, then Gao Yunxiang`s situation will be very dangerous.

*This article does not represent the views of us.

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