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Immigration made another low-level mistake! Unexpectedly respond: staff business is not skilled?! By the way, take a look at the salary level of the visa officer.

 02 Feb 2018

Although mistakes can be made, are immigration matters a joke? Can you do more work after spending so much money?

In July 2017, Australian media revealed that the immigration authorities had wrongly held two Australian citizens in detention centres. At the time, a spokesman for the Immigration Department said it had investigated the matter, saying both men had been forced to cancel visas and be detained in violation of the immigration law section 501.

But they were released immediately after their Australian citizenship was confirmed. As for the specific origin and context, the immigration authorities did not reveal any more information at that time.

Immigration Service will hit the face again.

Recently, the FOI information about this matter has been disclosed, is indeed the low-level Ureon of the Immigration Service!

According to the internal report, "the staff who detained the two men were not familiar with their operations and ignored key information." But they won`t be responsible for the wrong decision. "

It`s hard to say before, is it another slap in the face?

"there was a system error inside the immigration service. Other citizens are likely to be held or deported for similar reasons. "

Ha, feel "system error" back a lot of pot.

"not all immigration officers have the necessary knowledge and understanding to exercise their right to detention in a fair and lawful manner."

Nani, is this a good place to go? Does immigration have temporary workers, too?

The two men, from New Zealand and Papua New Guinea, were detained for 97 and 13 days, respectively. During their trial, they repeatedly declared their identity and also had various supporting materials, but were inconsistent with the information shown in the immigration database. Staff with a little more sense of responsibility and operational competence can avoid such an outcome.

High cost of erro

For the Australian Immigration Service, this is not the first time this has happened.

In 2001, Australian citizen Vivian Alvarez Solon was wrongly deported to the Philippines by the Immigration Department and eventually paid A $4 million.

In fiscal year 2004-05, the Immigration Department mistakenly held resident Cornelia Rau for 10 months, compensating A $2.6 million. Anyway, the investigators have found 221 similar cases.

In 2014, the Immigration Service inadvertently made personal information about 10,000 boat people available online, including their names, gender, arrival dates, and so on.

The information went online for eight days, and boat people protested and demanded compensation, and goverment spent almost 1 million yuan in legal action. Now that more than 100 people have filed lawsuits in federal courts, there may be more in the future.

In 2012-2016, goverment paid A $70 million to 1905 refugees held on Manus Island, plus a further $20 million in lawyers` fees.

According to a recent document obtained by Australian Lawyers Alliance, the Migration Board opened 23 cases in the last fiscal year alone, with goverment paying A $ two hundred and thirty thousand for its mistake.

However, this figure has been questioned by two immigration lawyers because, according to their experience, the average cost of resolving each case is more than A $ one hundred thousand, so it is speculated that a service may have borne some of the cost. Make goverment`s spending figures less ugly.

Without a sheep, there can be no wool -- the benefit comes, after all, from a price one has paid.

Looking at a huge amount of compensation, everyone suddenly found that the original immigration is Australia`s largest trench ah!

But all the money has been lost. Are all the immigration staff drinking the northwest wind?

As of June 30, 2017, the Immigration Service had 13757 employees working inside and outside Australia, according to the 2016 / 17 Annual report. The largest number was in ACT, with 5344 people, followed by New and Victoria.

Immigration employees are public officials, so salaries are strictly classified by grade. The number of persons at the different levels is as follows, with the highest levels of 3, 5 and 6:

The corresponding salary levels for the different ranks are as follows:

We can calculate the immigration payroll based on these figures.

At this point, some people will certainly ask, the Immigration Service compensation is huge, and so many employees, where do the money come from?

According to the 2016 / 17 Annual report of the Immigration Board, the revenue from customs, immigration and import matters reached A $15.6 billion in the last fiscal year, and visa application fees alone amounted to A $2 billion!

Can`t help tears, we have all contributed to the immigration authorities.


Sometimes immigration service is inefficient, perhaps there are some objective reasons, such as the shortage of manpower, after the new deal needs to be familiar with, and so on, everyone said that it is over.

However, we hope that the Immigration Service will be timely, open and transparent at least in terms of studying abroad and immigration policies, such as the EOI invitation data, not to change the order or delay, and to minimize the impact on the applicant.

Yuanfang, what do you think?

*This article does not represent the views of us.

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