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The old woman in Sydney was bitten to death by her pet dog and her husband was injured

 17 May 2019

Mr. and Mrs. O`Riley (Daily Telegraph Photo)

A couple of "I like all the animals" in sydney, the old couple, who regularly look after the search and rescue dogs, were attacked by a pet dog at home, and the wife died, and the husband was lightly injured.

On Thursday afternoon, at his home in (Hornby St), (Wilton) Hornby Street, southwest Sydney, the Daily Telegraph reported. Rosemary O`Reilly, 72, and Derek O`Reilly, 74, were accidentally attacked by pet dog Athena.

Paramedics quickly took the old couple to Liverpool Hospital (Liverpool Hospital). Unfortunately, Rosemary died of serious injuries. Derek, who was slightly pierced in his left arm, was discharged on the same day.

A total of five children, her son, Rupert O `Reilly, said the family was crushed by the mother`s death.

The Wolldinly Council staff have seized the dog and confirmed that it was a mixed dog of the Stafford ox head and the Rodericia`s back-up.

A couple of animals are housed in the homes of the semi-rural areas, says park speaker. The detained pet dog has been registered and has no previous complaint history.

Police will also continue to investigate and prepare reports for coroners.

*This article does not represent the views of us.

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