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Do you know Easter is another International Children's Day in Australia

 07 Apr 2019

Easter (Easter) is a serious religious holiday, but as society develops, it has gradually become a public holiday. Just like Christmas, it has become a grand holiday of globalization.

In Australia, Easter celebrations, in addition to church special activities, there are also many non-religious activities. Take a closer look and you`ll find that many of these activities are related to children.

Easter was originally a festival to commemorate the resurrection of Jusus Christ. The date of each year is not fixed, basically between March and April. The same thing is that Easter starts on Friday and ends on Monday the next week. So it`s a four-day holiday. Friday is called Good Friday,. Monday is called Easter Monday..

Traveling and vacationing is one of the most important activities. In addition to this, there are some activities during Easter in Australia:

1. Chocolate eggs and rabbits, (Easter Eggs and The Easter Bunny).

In the weeks before Easter, chocolate eggs and chocolate bunnies began to sell. Big as football, smaller than quail eggs, but no matter how big, no matter what shape, the inside is empty. On Easter, adults tend to hide chocolate eggs in the grass and let the children look to see who finds the most. (eggs and rabbits are symbolic resurrection)

2.Hot Cross Buns

It`s actually raisin bread (and sometimes other drunks) with a white cross that symbolizes Christ. Hot Cross Buns is a must-eat food for Fridays.

3. Sydney Royal Carnival (Sydney Royal Easter Show)

Sydney has a big park around Easter every year, mostly all kinds of children`s games and activities. Such as pet game, parade (Grand Parade), taming horses and so on.

4. Easter fundraising, (Good Friday Appeal).

It`s a grand fundraiser for Melbourne`s Royal Children`s Hospital, (Royal Children`s Hospital), a non-political, non-fundraising event. It was first initiated by a group of journalist in 1931. Now the event has developed into a grand festival. Every Easter Friday morning, Channel 7 sets up fundraising events all over, live broadcast until evening. You can see the fundraiser at any time. On this day, all kinds of small potatoes will visit sick children in the hospital and send them holiday greetings.

In 2001, the campaign raised a total of A $7 million for sick children. By last year, 2016, a total of A $17 million had been raised. The novelty of the Royal Children`s Hospital in Melbourne is something many people admire. Now you know why. That was the result of a lot of generous donations.

The turmoil in the world is often related to religion, especially in recent years, the conflict caused by religion has had a tremendous impact on the world we live in; and the emergence of the Christian pedophilia case has also humiliated Christianity. But no matter what, with time, it ` s not a good thing to remove the bad things in religion and keep the good things in religion. Just like Easter`s development in Australia, turning a serious religious festival into a festival that cares for children and helps the weak, the result is the benefit of the whole society.

*This article does not represent the views of us.

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