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The Matt Museum in Philadelphia, USA

 17 Jul 2020

The museum is known to have a collection of precious historical objects, but an American museum has a collection of horrific medical collections. The museum's name is the Matt Museum in Philadelphia, USA. I do n' t know if anyone knows. Let's take a look at this horror concentration camp with small editor!

The american horror story (American Horror Story) season 3 mentions a medical museum in philadelphia, which is actually a prototype of Mutter Museum. Located in the American city of Feicheng (19 S.22nd Street,Philadelphia,PA 19103) full name The Mutter Museum of the College of Physicians of Philadelphia is the United States Philadelphia Matt Museum.

At the The Mutter Museum Museum in Philadelphia, the seemingly bland, even art and texture of the museum, but there are a lot of chilling collection hidden!

Matt Museum, a medical museum affiliated with Philadelphia Medical College, was founded in 1858. A medical museum that was first established by the American Thomas Dent Mutter(1811-1859) of Surgeons by donating their own medical collections and funds. The museum is famous for displaying human organs and structures, rare diseases, and medical devices. A relatively unique collection and display, including Einstein's brain slices, the name of the World Circus Sino-Thai hybrid conjoined man model, the Viennese anatomist Joseph Hyrtl (1810-1894) skull collection.

As part of the Philadelphia School of Medicine, the museum has a second-floor medical education history library, which is temporarily not open to the public. As a famous medical museum in the United States, it attracts visitors from all over the world every day. Tickets are $15. Apart from holidays, the museum is open seven days a week. The museum is mainly a collection of medical deformities, anatomical and pathological specimens, ancient medical devices, wax models, etc., mainly for medical research, but also provides paid visits. The Matt Museum is known for its collection of skulls. The skulls are arranged in rows. Some teeth are in good condition and some fall off.

Like this conjoined baby is one of the most terrifying exhibits in the museum.

The 9-foot (1.8-meter) long human colon is one of the most popular displays in the museum. A lot of people must say this colon is real? And it's true, it's a colon removed from the body of a circus performer nicknamed the Body Balloon (Human Balloon) and found with up to 40 pounds (18 kilograms) of poop left inside!

Close look, the child's skeleton platoon stand, after 12 o' clock in the evening don't sneak in! Have you ever seen the more hairy feeling?

In addition to the medical specimens previously presented, the Matt Museum also has many wax figures to show the different stages of different diseases attacking the human body.

Isn't the waxwork that mimics the structure of blood vessels and bones in a child much like this alien?

Curiously, the matt museum also shows a slice of einstein's brain! Each slide is neatly filed, seemingly disgusting, but actually quite interesting!

At present, the matt museum exhibits more than 20000 pieces, including the remains of photo 、 conjoined persons injured in the war, the remains of dwarfs and the diseased colon of the human body. There are also unique collections in the world, such as a soap-like female corpse, a skull of a child with two heads. In such a dark, terrifying environment, the viewer can not help but creepy, so it takes a lot of courage and courage to visit the matt museum, after the visit is difficult to say whether the night will have nightmares.

The nameless mummy of a soapy woman was discovered a hundred years ago when Philadelphia was migrating an ancient cemetery. Conditions such as soil, temperature, and humidity are apt to turn her body into wax (Latin for fat and wax). Under suitable conditions, if the dead person is an obese person, then the fat in the body will combine with water to produce fatty acids, which is the main component of the body wax. The substance drains water from the surrounding tissue, dehydrates the body and blocks the growth of bacteria, a process similar to the preservation of Egyptian mummies, the only difference being that soapy women produce fatty acids from the outside. A soapy woman who received a X perspective in 1987 showed a long pin on her dress. Because they were born 1824 years ago, it can be inferred that she death after that.

Although this museum seems to be the most terrible place in the world, death does not want to go! But every year more than 130,000 tourists scramble to visit it! I hope those who have the courage to have a chance to see it!

*This article does not represent the views of us.

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