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Cheating and meeting fairies? Kunzhou Chinese men accused of being blackmailed by the other woman and the former mayor.

 17 Jul 2019

Li Xin today leave court. (picture of Messenger Post)

A Chinese-American man was referred to by Paul Pisasale, the former mayor of Ipswich, and an extramarital affair. The man, when he was in court today, denied that he had spoofed the subject of an affair at that time.

Li Xin, a 37-year-old, was born in China at the airport when he opened a taxi in 2016, according to the Kunju

Li Xin said he was married but not living with his wife. During his relationship with Mr. Li Yutian, the two had visited Bali and Maldives, but broke up with him in late December 2016. The same married Li Yutian went to Melbourne.

But in early 2017, Li Xin was said to have been blackmailed by Pisacel for the affair, and Li Yutian was also one of the defendants in the case.

Defendant Li Yutian. (Brisbane Times>Image).

Li Xin appeared in court today and accepted a cross-examination by defense lawer, during which he denied that he had told Li Yutian that they would marry and denied concealing the fact that he was married.

"one of the reasons she told you to be separated from her husband is that her husband doesn`t want children," Li Yutian`s lawer of lawer told Li Xin. "she also told you that because of her age relationship, she is eager to have children."

But Li Xin said he could not remember, and repeatedly denied that he had told Li Yutian that they would marry.

Court learned that Pisassel later called Li Xin, first pretending to be a health salesman and then claiming to be a private detective. Pisacel is said to have asked Li Xin on the phone to pay Li Yutian a private detective fee that knew the truth about his marriage situation.

"would you like to settle it in a mutually satisfactory way, or do you want her to resort to law?" Let me see if we can solve things. Are you ready to bear part of the price she paid? "Pissassel said on the phone.

After being settled by Li Xin, the content of the phone became intense, and the "We`re going to the federal court.", "You need to find a lawer and she`ll claim 200,000 for you. She`s got a big win. She`s got a lot of evidence that you`re married and cheated on her.", said in the telephone:

"We`ll also tell the Australian government about it."

"This is Australia, man, don`t try to blackmail her. What you say will let you get out of Australia. I`m a very patient man, and I know the government, and I know the immigrant minster. You`re a married man, and you`ve lied to a lot of women."

The case is still under trial. (Enyo)

*This article does not represent the views of us.

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