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Another person is taken away, Australia immigration check continues to upgrade! How should we protect ourselves in the face of the epidemic?

Source: 学在猫本
 24 Jan 2020

Australia continues to upgrade aircraft entry checks from China!

Today, a man with a cold on board a plane from china to melbourne has been taken to hospital in an ambulance to check for a new virus.

The Australian Border Inspection Department also officially stated In particular For tourists from Wuhan to Australia, strict quarantine.

Whether at home,

Or in Melbourne,

The masks are out of stock

The netizen laughs: This year New Year does not give a gift to send a mask

China`s state council press office, held a press conference at 10 a.m. beijing time this morning, so far, a total of 440 new cases of coronavirus pneumonia have been diagnosed in china, nine cases of coronavirus infection.

And at home, at a time when the Spring Festival is a special period, the mobility and aggregation of personnel is very large, it has to be said that the epidemic occurred at this time, is not a small test for China.

At the same time, many of Australia`s domestic students also stay at home, with the development of the epidemic, it is hard to say what kind of situation many of the coming domestic students will face in the peak period.

Xiaohang`s sincere advice to everyone, can return to Australia as soon as possible, early return, so as not to follow up on the escalation of events, affecting academic.

With the spread and development of the domestic epidemic, the asymmetries of rumors, panics and information have led to some confusion.

What makes sense?

Xiao Hang followed several authoritative media, to sort out a special period of disease prevention guide.

You need to know something about the new coronavirus outbreak in Wuhan:

1. New coronavirus and SARS coronavirus relationship?

The new type of coronavirus found this time is very different from SARS coronavirus and MERS coronavirus. Although the new coronavirus is a close relative of SARS, it hasn`t shown the same terrible characteristics as SARS.

Wang Peizhong, a pandemic virologist who was involved in the SARS prevention and control study in his early years, said:" When the academic community judges the harm of a virus, it generally considers two factors: the fatality rate and the infectivity. Compared with SARS,2019-nCoV is milder in both respects. "

2. What are the symptoms if the infection is unfortunate?

General symptoms: fever, fatigue, dry cough, gradually appear breathing difficulties. Some patients have mild symptoms and no fever.

severe: acute respiratory distress syndrome, septic shock, and refractory metabolic acidosis clotting dysfunction.

Most of the patients were mild, with a good prognosis, a few were critically ill, and even death.

3. What is a close contact?

How long is the virus incubation period?

Gao Zhancheng, a member of the National Health and Health Commission`s expert group, said the average incubation period for new coronavirus pneumonia was about 7 days, short in 2-3 days and long in 10-12 days. If appear fever, dry cough, respiratory failure, shock and other symptoms, must be timely medical treatment!

Where does the new coronavirus come from?

This time the new coronavirus comes from the South China Seafood Market in Wuhan. It is worth mentioning that many wild animals may carry pathogens and become vectors of certain infectious diseases, and beavers and bats are common hosts of coronaviruses, so don`t risk "tasting fresh ".

In the process of raising, slaughtering and selling wild animals, people are most likely to come into contact with animal secretions with pathogens. After hand contact with secretions, contact with food, touch mouth and nose or rub eyes, the pathogen can enter the human body and make people infected.

Outsiders should also not touch wild animals, especially rodents such as bats and groundhogs, to avoid contracting zoonotic diseases.

Be sure to respect the lives of wildlife and where they live, because they and we are residents of the same global village.

6. Is there a new type of coronavirus currently treated with vaccine?

There is no vaccine, but the National Institutes of Health is working on a vaccine. Trials may take months.

Brendan Murphy, Australia`s chief medical officer, said the University of Queensland had received funding from government for epidemic prevention and could be asked to help develop vaccine.

Do you have to wear a mask when you go out

Wearing a mask is an effective way to block the transmission of respiratory secretions. If patients with symptoms of respiratory infections are found around them, such as coughing and sneezing, it is best to wear a mask.

Choosing an N95 mask or a medical surgical mask is a good way to prevent respiratory diseases.

In China, there are two days is the Spring Festival, many drugstore masks have been bought out of goods, but there are still some stores on a treasure can be shipped during the Spring Festival, so you can buy masks on a treasure.

When wearing the mask, the folded face should be completely expanded, the mouth, nose, jaw completely wrapped, and then press the nose clip, so that the mask and face fully fit.

Wash hands before wearing a mask, or avoid touching the inside of the mask during wearing the mask to reduce the risk of contamination.

Change regularly, do not wear reverse, do not wear on both sides.

Do you need to cancel the travel plan?

If a friend in Australia has a travel plan to China, be aware of the SmartTraveler website at government to get up-to-date information on travel risks, government said.

Is the disease resistance in Timeline reliable?

After the outbreak of the domestic epidemic, many rumors began to flourish

Xiao Hang picked up a few of the representative, disinformation!

I. Disinfection of fumigated vinegar

Although vinegar contains acetic acid, but the acetic acid volatilized into the air after fumigation is far from the concentration of sterilization, not only cannot play the effect of disinfection, but may cause irritation to the respiratory mucosa, induce respiratory symptoms. Therefore, fumigation vinegar is not recommended for disinfection.

Radix Isatidis

When SARS became popular, Isatis became a popular product. However, there is no conclusive evidence that Isatidis can prevent or treat new coronaviruses. Mild patients are self-healing, severe patients need to be symptomatic and supportive treatment.

Bird`s nest resistant

Bird`s nest contains no sialic acid to prove the antiviral effect, bird`s nest is just a food, and has not been proved to be more nutritious than eggs, fish and other affordable food, eat bird`s nest is not as good as eat eggs, fish.

Today, a WHO team of experts is meeting in Geneva to determine whether to declare the domestic outbreak of pneumonia as a "public health emergency of international concern ".

In particular It should be emphasized that at this stage, the mask has been robbed, all kinds of disinfectant, fungicides are also flooding in Timeline, we must be clear:

The mask is really useful: Academician Zhong Nanshan said that it can prevent the spread of droplets, in a crowded place, as far as possible between 4-6 hours to change the mask.

2.Don`t be taxed by Timeline`s profiteers: The virus is sensitive to heat. It can be inactivated by 30 minutes at 56°C,75% alcohol, chlorine disinfectant, hydrogen peroxide disinfectant, chloroform and other fat-soluble agents. Don`t buy high-priced disinfection products that Timeline sells at random.

During the epidemic, Xiao Hang finally gave you a few advices ~

We must do a good job of preventive measures and do our best. Don`t go to crowded places. Wear a mask and wash hands with soap.

Believe in the truth and be a non-panic, non-anxious and intelligent person. Don`t believe the rumor! No rumors! The rumor ends in the wise.

Be nice to our doctor, better.

A sudden outbreak of SARS killed many medical personnel. The outbreak of the Wuhan epidemic has infected more than a dozen medical personnel. Health and Health Commission expert group member Wang Guangfa is isolated...

When the outbreak came, we didn`t know who they were, but we knew who they were for.

Hope everyone is safe!

Wuhan Come on!

Come on, China!

*This article does not represent the views of us.

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