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Significant changes in spousal migration, reduction of the age limit by five years, and the spread of countless applicants

 26 Dec 2018

The most important thing to say is:

Just now, spouse immigration visa tightening!

Previously, the maximum age for spouses visas for skilled immigrants was 50, with 5 points.

(photo source: SBS)

1. Increase in age requirement

The new policy reduces the maximum age of spouse visas for skilled immigrants by five years, or 45.

The reform introduced last week will apply to technical independent visas 189 visas 190 visas and 489 visas effective July 1 2018.

In recent years, Indians have become the largest immigrant group in Australia, with 189 and 190 visas being granted most. The new policy has the greatest impact on them.

Both are permanent visas, while 489 visas are temporary visas with permanent residency.

In fact, as early as last July, in an amendment to the immigrant legislation, the maximum age of visa applicants fell from 50 to under 45.

At that time, however, the age requirement for skilled spouse visas had not been reduced.

Explaining the new policy, the Home Office said the amendment was aimed at redressing such "omissions" to bring the age requirements of the applicant and his or her spouse into line.

2. Good for Australia`s economy

In addition, the Home Office said lowering the maximum age of visa applicants and their spouses would benefit Australia`s economic development.

Participation rates are low due to the lower labour force of older new immigrants, but if they were younger, the situation would be much better.

In addition, older immigrants are more likely to use government subsidies for health care, leading to higher costs.

"according to the findings of the Productivity Council, it is appropriate to modify the availability of skilled immigrant visas if their partner is under 45 years of age to receive the bonus."

3. It`s a challenge for older applicants.

Seema Chauhan, who has more than 10 years of experience as an immigration agent, agrees that older immigrants are struggling to find meaningful jobs in Australia.

"my personal experience is that immigrants of this age are hard to get good job opportunities. Therefore, it is reasonable to adjust the maximum age of the spouse to the same age as the principal applicant. "

For skilled immigrant visas, applicants currently need about 70 points to be invited. And the score mainly depends on the applicant`s age, educational level, work experience, English proficiency and so on.

Among them, applicants between the ages of 26 and 32 receive additional points. If the applicant has a state guarantee, he can also receive other bonus points.

Melbourne-based immigration agent Mamika Kalra said it was rare for applicants over 45 to get a permanent visa.

"first they have to get the highest scores in English, work experience and education, and getting extra points to get a visa doesn`t mean it`s easy for everyone." She said.

Ms. Chauhan said any tightening of policy would have a significant impact on visa prospects for older applicants.

"after the age of 39, it is becoming increasingly difficult to get immigration scores. Few applicants over 40 are eligible to take the points test, and if people over the age of 45 are not eligible for those points, the age requirement will be even higher." She said.

In short, emigration is becoming more and more difficult, emigration should still take advantage of the early.

*This article does not represent the views of us.

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