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The world's top 10 lakes are the latest to hit your vision

 06 Nov 2019

According to the salt content of water, lakes can be divided into freshwater lakes and salt lakes, the size of lakes can be ranked according to the size of the lake and water storage, but generally according to the size of the lake ranking, today focus on the latest ranking of the world`s top ten lakes, each lake has its own world`s most halo, let`s take a look!

Top 10 of the world`s largest lakes: the world`s largest: the Caspian Sea (380,000 km2)

The Caspian Sea, the world`s largest saltwater lake (called the Caspian Sea, but the world`s largest inland lake), the world`s largest lake and the world`s third-deepest, on the border of Asia and Europe`s mainland, is very narrow, with an average of about 1,200 kilometers north-south,320 kilometers east-west, covering an area of about 386,400 square kilometers, larger than most of the world`s national territory (both Germany and Japan are smaller)

Top 10 lakes in the world: North America`s Lake Superior (82414 km2)

Lake Superior, the world`s second largest lake and the world`s largest freshwater lake, is on the border of the United States and Canada in North America, covering an area of 82,414 square kilometers and the top five lakes in North America, and the other four (Lake Michigan, Lake Huron, Lake Erie and Lake Ontario), known as Lake Five in North America. Its total area is about 250,000 square kilometers, which is larger than that of the UK. The lake is 616 km east-west and 257 km north-south

Top 10 lakes in the world: Lake Victoria, Africa (69400 km2)

Lake Victoria: Located in the East African Plateau, the world`s third largest lake, the largest lake in Africa, mostly in Tanzania and Uganda, a small part of Kenya. Queen Victoria named the lake. The lake lies between the Great Rift Valley and its western branches, with an area of 69400 square kilometers, second only to Lake Superior in North America among the world`s freshwater lakes.

Fourth place: Lake Huron, North America (59,570 km2)

Lake Huron, the world`s fourth largest lake, one of the five great lakes in North America, the second largest in the Great Lakes of North America, is located in the middle. The United States and Canada share. 330 km long and 295 km wide. With an area of 59,600 square kilometers, it ranks second in the Great Lakes. The lake is 177 meters above sea level. The average water depth is 60 meters and the maximum depth is 229 meters. The storage capacity is 3540 cubic kilometers. The shore line of the lake is 2700 km long and zigzags, with Georgia Bay in the northeast.

Fifth place: North America`s Lake Michigan (57757 km2)

Lake michigan, the world`s fifth-largest lake, the only lake in the five great lakes of north america, belongs to the united states. The north-south extension is 517 km long, with an east-west width of about 190 km and an area of 58,000 km2. The average depth is 84 meters, the deepest is 282 meters, and the water storage capacity is 4875 cubic kilometers. The lake is about 177 meters above sea level. The basin covers an area of 118,000 square kilometers (excluding lake area).

Sixth place: Lake Tanganyika in Africa (32,900 km2)

Lake Tanganyika, the world`s sixth largest lake, the world`s second-deepest lake (second only to the world`s deepest lake-Baigar), a freshwater lake in central Africa, belongs to the fault lake. The winding lakeshore line is as long as 1900 kilometers. The main rivers into the lake are the Malagasy River, the Ruzi River, the Karangbo River and so on. The only outlet of the lake is the Lukuga River. The north and south are about 679 kilometres long, with an average width of 50.134 kilometres, including 1828 kilometres of coastline (an average depth of 570 metres), the deepest of which is located in the north of Lake Tanganyika, the deepest of which is 1470 metres and covers an area of 32900 km2.

Seventh place: Lake Baikal in Asia (31500 km2)

Lake Baikal, a magical lake in southern Siberia, Russia, has many of the world`s most famous names: the world`s deepest lakes, the world`s largest freshwater lake (by volume), the world`s deepest freshwater lake, the world`s largest freshwater lake, the world`s oldest lake, the world`s seventh largest lake. Its deepest depth is 1620 meters, and its fresh water storage capacity is staggering, with a maximum of 23,000 cubic kilometers, or 20 percent of the world`s surface light water

Eighth: North America`s Great Bear Lake (31,153 km2)

Great Bear Lake, with an area of 31153 square kilometers, the eighth largest lake in the world, the first largest lake in Canada, and the fourth largest lake in North America. Many polar bears named after the lake. Located in northwest Canada. The lake is irregular in shape, about 322 km long and 40–177 km wide. The lake is 156 meters above sea level, with an average water depth of 137 meters and a maximum depth of 413 meters. The lake water is clear, the lake shore is steep, the lake is many small islands, the surrounding area of the lake is sparsely populated. The Lake District has a cold climate and a long icy period, which is navigable for only eight or nine months. The lake flows west through the 110-kilometer-long Big Bear River into the more rivers. produce white fish and lake trout, etc. The lake flows from the big bear river into the mores.

Ninth: Lake Malawi, Africa (30,800 km2)

Lake Malawi, covering an area of 30,800 km2, the ninth largest lake in the world, the third largest freshwater lake in Africa, the sixth deep lake in the world,560 km in length in the north and south,24-80 km in width from east to west,273 m in average water depth,706 m in the deepest part of the north,472 m above sea level, the lake is filled with 14 perennial rivers around it.

Tenth: North America`s Great Lakes (28,600 km2)

Tai Nu Lake, also known as Great Sreve Lake, the tenth largest lake in the world, the eighth deepest lake in the world, the second largest lake in Canada (second only to Great Bear Lake). Tai Nu Lake is northeast-southwest,480 km long,48-225 km wide, with an area of about 28600 square kilometers. The lake is 156 meters above sea level. The lake is deep and clear, with a maximum depth of 614 meters. The storage capacity of 2,088 trillion cubic meters,614 meters deep made it the deepest lake in North America. Because of the extremely low temperatures in the area, the lake ices up to eight months a year. In winter, the ice is so much thicker that even trucks can drive on it.

*This article does not represent the views of us.

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