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Glenelg beach to kangaroo island?

 14 Apr 2017

Kangaroo Island, known as Australia`s natural zoo, is comparable in popularity to Oceania Road, Urulu, the Great Barrier Reef and Sydney Harbor, yet the number of visitors per year lags far behind several other attractions.

There is only one ferry route linking kangaroo island to the Australian mainland, which is more than two hours` drive from Adelaide. If international travelers want to go to kangaroo island, they have to fly to Adelaide first and then take a ferry for more than two hours. This is not enough time for a day. But this quandary is coming to an end!

Now there`s good news!

According to Australian media reports, some Chinese investors are very interested in opening ferry flights from Glenelg to kangaroo island. If the project is implemented, when visitors get off the plane in Adelaide, they will be able to reach the Glenelg wharf directly to kangaroo island by bus! This not only drives international tourists to visit kangaroo island, but also drives locals to spend more frequently on Glenelg, killing two birds with one stone.

Stephen Patterson, mayor of Holdfast Bay, said he had just returned from the China Tourism Expo and that more than one investor had expressed strong interest in the project, which is part of a plan to upgrade the Glenelg wharf, which will not only revolutionize Glenelg. It will also boost Adelaide`s economy, add 500 jobs to the local market and add $4200, 0000 to the local economy during the construction period.

The renovated Glenelg trestle will have mini-hotels, public showers, sitting booths, active areas, ferries, seaplane docks, and possibly an additional ocean hall!

The Glenelg through kangaroo island project is expected to upgrade kangaroo island to the top tourist resort.

Meimei kangaroo island, the paradise of south Australia

The kangaroo island of (Kangaroo Island) is Australia`s third-largest island, the best in the Asia-Pacific region and one of South Australia`s most famous tourist resorts. The entire island is almost three times the size of London. There are a variety of natural environments and a wealth of wildlife for you to explore. There are the best beaches in Australia, and there are world-famous red wine, cheese, honey, seafood and other specialties.

Haibao Bay Conservation Park (Seal Bay Conservation Park)

One of the most famous attractions on kangaroo island is the permanent habitat for about 1000 rare Australian sea lions, who like to lean lazily against the sand and sand dunes to rest, sunbathe and nurture the next generation!

Flinders Chase National Park (Flinders Chase National Park)

This is Australia`s wildlife home, its coast is the paradise of seals, sea lions, sea eagles and many other species of wildlife, and the pristine forests and grasslands are kangaroos, tail-brushing possum, ecole, and so on. A paradise for lizards and platypus, which are not easy to see. There are plenty of wild koalas on the island!

Watching penguins

Don`t think that only Antarctica can see penguins, in the kangaroo island can see the cute little penguins oh! The penguins, which nest on sand dunes and rock surfaces, are the only species to breed in Australian waters. You can join the tour group to watch these lovely little penguins, just wait until the sun sets, penguins after a day of fishing back to the cave, it is a great fun to watch them homing!

Magic Rock (Remarkable Rocks)

One of the most impressive wonders of the kangaroo island is the magic rock, whose seemingly shaky granite forest stands high above the surging waves of the southern ocean. The distorted shape is the result of thousands of years of wind and rain, and the color of its surface varies from day to day, depending on the light, so this is one of the most picturesque natural wonders taken by tourists on the island. Don`t miss it!

The ends of the Earth and the flagship arch (Cape du Couedic & Admirals Arch)

Located in the southwest corner of the island and facing the vast southern ocean, the lighthouse is a wonderful place to view the sea on the island, overlooking two small islands called "two brothers (Casuarina Lslets)", which are the paradise where birds live. And the flagship arch (Admirals Arch) is another masterpiece of nature`s ghost axe, beneath its hanging cliffs, New Zealand soft-haired seals frolicking in the water or resting on rocks, so uncomfortable, the picture is particularly touching!?

Small Sahara (Little Sahara)

The magnificent white sand dunes, miles from the sea, surrounded by shrubs, you can walk on the dunes, its unique sand landscape you can admire, and enjoy the surrounding shrubs and farmland beautiful scenery, very intoxicating. If you want to be more exciting, you can ride a sandboard on the mountain and slide down the dunes quickly. It feels very exciting, and unforgettable for a long time!

Kangaroo island wild birds show (Kangaroo Island Birds of Prey)

Watching the wild kangaroo birds show will be an unforgettable experience, where you can see all kinds of raptors, from the majestic wedge-tailed (Wedge Tailed Eagle) of the Jeddah bird (Jedda), to the friendly barn owls. Both adults and children can feel a lot of happiness here!

Swim with dolphins

You can also enjoy swimming with dolphins on kangaroo island, traveling along the sparkling coastline, relaxing and resting on a 17-meter-wide catamaran yacht, with dolphins jumping to greet you from time to time, and you can even get in close contact with dolphins in the water. The exchange of greetings, among them sunset cruise is a special enjoyment oh!

Surfing and diving

Kangaroo Island is the best place to dive in Australia. The colorful coral cliffs and rock reefs make up a completely human-free marine ecosystem. You can choose to surf, fish and so on. Whether your fishing skills are excellent or you`re just standing on a surfboard, the beach is sure to make you a good trip.

Helicopters take a bird`s eye view of the spectacular coastline

The magnificent view of kangaroo island by helicopter is also a wonderful and interesting experience. Its 12-minute interesting flight will surely give you an endless taste, and you can enjoy all the attractions on the southwest coast of the island. Including Magic Rock (Remarkable Rocks) and flagship arch (Admirals Arch) and other places!

Rich wildlife, beautiful natural scenery, attractive wine and gourmet food and a variety of interesting experience projects, every corner of the kangaroo island can bring us a great experience on the journey, leaving more beautiful memories.

Fresh-water crayfish is one of the freshest delicacies on kangaroo island, and visitors can pick out fresh-water lobsters bred in Australia`s pure environment and cook them directly by the chef. Fresh and delicious! Used to eating spicy crayfish, also try Western food crayfish!

I really hope the ferry from Glenelg to kangaroo island will be opened quickly!

*This article does not represent the views of us.

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