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Watson joined the school on foot and died of suspected heatstroke. Parents sued the school authorities.

 22 Feb 2019

Li Shengwei died at a school camp. (photo by Daily Mail)

According to the Daily Mail, a Chinese teenager died of suspected heatstroke while attending a school camp, and his parents are suing the school for prosecute.

Li Shengwei, a former (Huntingtower School) 11th grader at Tava School in Hanting, died in 2016 when he was walking long distances during a school camp in the heat of nearly 40 degrees Celsius, ending his 16-year-old life.

Parents of the deceased are in contact with Maurice Blackburn`s law firm, claiming that the son`s death is "completely avoidable".

A hearing on Lee`s death found that he might have died of "high-temperature-related illness" and heard that he was diagnosed with asthma in 2009, but doctors had thought the problem was not serious.

Maurice Blackburn`s chief lawer, Joanu (Dimi Ioannou), said the death of Li Shengwei was a terrible tragedy that could have been avoided. Alexander`s parents entrusted his beloved son to the school in the hope that the school would take good care of him. However, he was carrying an extremely heavy backpack on the heatday. "

A complaint filed yesterday with the Victoria Superior Court of Justice (Victorian Supreme Court) alleges that the Hanting Tava school student went hiking at (Plumbago Station) in Prabago Station in South Australia when he was in 11th grade. The school`s hiking activities, which have been running for nearly 40 years, should be aimed at imparting the "leadership" and "team-building" abilities of students in the development stage.

Parents have been told that the traditional trekking will be tough, but everyone thinks their children will die on the trek. It is reported that the camp activities are not mandatory, but the school advised students to participate.

Some 80 students prepared for the trip all year long before finally taking a 60-kilometer hike in the hot summer of February 2016. Li was assigned to a 13-member group, supervised by at least three teachers.

According to the description, Li Shengwei body "short fat", previously did not know to take part in physical activity.

According to court, he was carrying a 17-kilogram backpack on foot and carrying a 7-kilogram water bag. He was seen walking 6.5 kilometers to the first camp.

Death officials found out that he and his teammates went through a rough night after being hit by ant threat.

At 5:30 the next day, Li ate the last bowl of Nutri-Grain and set off on a 14-kilometer hike. Around 10:30, the team noticed that Li Shengwei had struggled to walk, but he did not really show fatigue.

But the hearing also found that over time, Li Shengwei, exposed to the sun, was noticed as "desperately hugging the water bag." One teammate told death officials that Li could hardly breathe and fell to the ground in an attempt to breathe oxygen into his lungs.

A teacher handed an ordinary burrito, but he was unable to move.

It is reported that in order to give the struggling Li Shengwei "some dignity", he was placed in front of the leader. The hearing heard that at that time there was a gasp in his throat, weary and dazed. Although he had drunk the whole bag of water, he was eager to drink more water as he marched on.

At that time, the temperature had risen to 39.1 degrees Celsius, Li Shengwei began to panic. A teacher wrapped a wet scarf around his neck. He was hallucinating and talking incoherently. He tried to stand up, but eventually fell into the jungle, collapsed to the ground and shivered all over.

When the temperature soared to 39.5 degrees Celsius, Li was carried to the back seat of a car, and the air conditioning in the car was at its lowest. It was too late, however, and by the time the paramedics arrived, he could no longer be saved.

Li Shengwei died at the age of 16. (photo of the Daily Mail)

West (Iain West), the new state`s deputy chief of death, accused him of reviewing school and camp activities. He advised the school to stop the camp in the middle of the summer and criticized the school for placing students on long distances on foot in hot weather.

Maurice Blackburn`s lawer claims that the Hanting Tawa School failed to fulfill its obligations to Li Shengwei`s parents and that it was the school`s responsibility to organize camp activities with reasonable caution and skill and to take care of their sons. "defendant neglected to manage camp activities, resulting in plaintiff injured and the dead."

Lawer also said school staff had not looked at the weather that day, had no knowledge of the temperature at which the victim might have hiked, and did not know how to apply (Huntingtower Risk Management Plan), a Hanting Tava school risk management plan, to (Plumbago Expedition), a trip to Prabago.

According to the complaint, the school asked Li Shengwei to backpack at more than 35 degrees Celsius and take water to travel without due consideration to Li`s health, and did not provide sufficient time for him to adapt to the local environment before walking.

At the time of the incident, the school`s headmaster was participating in another school camp in Indonesia and has yet to respond to the Daily Mail visit.

*This article does not represent the views of us.

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