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Big! The refugee came to Australia to seek medical treatment the bill passed formally, Australia 'border door' opened! Refugee pretended to be ill in Australia before there was a precedent for the safety of Australians who would protect them.

 17 Feb 2019

This morning, the new bill proposed by the Labour Party-refugee came to Australia to seek medical treatment-was passed in the Senate by a narrow margin of 36:34 and will come into effect soon.

That means Australia gives refugee its first green light!

The original illegal smugglers can now "take advantage of illness" to enter the country legally!

As Labour celebrates its victory, Unionparty strikes back:

Australian Prime Minister Morrison says: reopen Camp refugee on Christmas Island! Secure Australia`s border!

Labour`s bill to support refugee`s visit to Australia yesterday was passed by a slim one-vote in the House of Representatives.


As recently as this morning, the bill was passed in the Senate by 36:34 and will come into force.

In other words, refugee, originally rejected by Australia, can now legally enter Australia for medical treatment.


01 refugee medical treatment bill triggers a dispute between the two factions

Australia`s current refugee policy, in the Labour Party`s view, is too disrespectful of the human rights.

So at the end of last year, Labour announced support for a bill that would allow refugee to legally enter Australia for medical treatment to highlight Australia`s humanistic concern for refugee.

The refugee, which requests admission to Australia, can legally enter Australia for treatment on the basis of certificates signed by two doctors, as long as it has no major criminal history.

In an effort to avoid the bill being unconstitutional by the opposition, Labour made it clear in the bill that medical teams that decide whether refugee can enter Australia for treatment will not receive any remuneration.

The opposition, however, said Labour was too weak to do so, and its women`s benevolence would only pose a bigger problem for Australia when it comes to homeland security.

This is the case, the Labour Party proposed by the refugee came to Australia to seek medical treatment, the conflict between the two factions has been completely intensified.

The point of departure for the Labour-led pro-democracy bill is its humanistic care for the refugee.

The opposition, represented by Unionparty, said the move would push Australia`s border security into a precarious abyss.

Unionparty points out that refugee crime is a difficult problem all over the world. Europe has clearly told the world that regulation and control of refugee should be strengthened.

Last November, a refugee carried out a terrorist attack on the streets of Melbourne.

Detonated a car and rushed at civilians with a knife, causing serious consequences of one death and two injuries.

Labour party chieftain Sheldon said: "We can humanely care for refugee while maintaining border and homeland security."

Australia`s Prime Minister Morrison says: "Sheldon is deceiving himself in the name of humanitarianism." Labour`s humanitarianism first led to the death of children, and now to the scourge of border security. The people of Australia will remember today that in the end they will have to count on the Labour Party! "

Despite strong pressure from the Unionparty to pass the bill, it was announced at 36:34 in the Senate this morning.


02 the new bill is fraught with problems

Just recently, the Daily Mail revealed that nearly 900 refugee had entered Australia with their families on the grounds of "seeing a doctor" and never went out again.

More than half of them did not get sick at all. They entered Australia on the pretext of "accompanying their sick family".


Even the sick part of refugee, most of them do not need to enter Australia for treatment.

A 19-year-old girl who came to Australia in October for medical treatment was diagnosed only with constipation, but she continues to stay in Australia because of her illness.

Another 44-year-old man who came to Australia five years ago to take a pelvic bone, CT, is still in Australia.

Most of the "swindling" refugee now lives in community shelters provided by government, Australia.

Many of them are trying to stay in Australia by suing Australia`s government.

What`s more, taxpayer, who works hard in Australia, is dissatisfied that the refugee, which has been stranded in Australia because of its illness, can even be described as "luxurious" in terms of its place of residence.

Over the past five years, Australia`s government has reportedly spent A $1.4 billion to settle in refugee, who has come to Australia for treatment. Many refugee even live in luxury private rooms.

It is reported that government will be part of the refugee settled in Meriton and Medina and other high-end hotels.

There are also parts of refugee living in townhouses, which are guarded by men.

There was also a three-year stay at a hotel where refugee spent as much as $300 a night.

The passage of the new bill has raised fears that more and more refugee will pour into Australia, spending taxpayer`s hard-earned money without any effort.


03 Christmas Island may be reopened

Although the passage of the bill has become a fact, Australia`s Prime Minister Morrison has not stopped.

After a meeting with the National Security Council, Morrison announced that Australia would reopen its refugee detain facility on Christmas Island.

Christmas Island, a scenic tropical island, is an overseas Territory 1600 kilometers from the Australian mainland.

On Christmas Eve, 2008, Australia`s government launched its $370 million refugee camp on the island to detain illegal smuggling of refugee intercepted by Australia`s government.

Since then, Christmas Island has become "Auschwitz of the 21st Century", holding up to 2400 people at the same time, refugee.

Just in early October last year, the controversial refugee camp was closed.

Now, in response to Labour`s new bill, Morrison announced that Camp refugee on Christmas Island would be reopened.

Because he believes the passage of the new bill is bound to lead to a new wave of rampant illegal smuggling of refugee.

In order to secure Australia`s territory and borders, some "special means" have to be used.

Morrison said the reopening of Christmas Island was a precautionary measure to address possible border problems caused by the new law.

Christmas Island local officials joked that Morrison`s behavior was as sharp as a knee-jump reaction.



The new law has come into force irreversibly, whether or not Morrison`s decision to reopen Christmas Island is excessive or not, the refugee can brazenly remain in Australia in the name of "illness," and even pose a security hazard to the country. It is true that some people who struggle hard to stay here through their own abilities are a bit cold.

In fact, no one is not sad about the experience of the refugee, nor is it not inconsiderate of the pain of the refugee, nor do they have to ask government to shut the refugee out of the door.

It`s just that part of the law hole, using humanitarian aid as a shield, and the "refugee" hat of the unscrupulous, has forced civilians living in the soil to worry about themselves and their families.

What do you think of the new Australian bill coming into effect?

*This article does not represent the views of us.

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