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Australia's prestigious universities will recruit more students such as India, Indonesia, Vietnam and so on, reducing the number of Chinese students! There's only one reason.

 11 Dec 2016

Yesterday afternoon, Australian media reported that Australia`s prestigious universities, led by the Australian National University, were quietly implementing a "recruitment policy" for Chinese students

Reduce the proportion of Chinese students!

The plan, which has been under way since 2015, has been under way at Australian National University.

This is not to say that Australia no longer welcomes Chinese students to study abroad, but that they want to reduce the number of Chinese students and adjust the proportion of Chinese students.

That is, in the future, if, for example, a Chinese student and a Vietnamese student are applying for a university at the same time, and the number of Chinese students recruited by this time has already reached the pre-set proportion of the school, So even if the Chinese student does better than the Vietnamese student next door and has a higher IELTS score, the school will admit the Vietnamese classmate rather than the better Chinese classmate.

In this way, Australia`s higher education resources will be very tight in China in the future.

In these reports, international students from China currently occupy a prominent position among international students in Australia.

According to reports, the Australian National University is Australia`s eight largest Chinese students account for the largest proportion of international students. This year, the Australian National University`s Chinese students account for 60% of the total number of students.

In a disclosed Australian National University document, the media found that it had quietly begun implementing a "diversification strategy" since 2015 in an attempt to reduce the proportion of Chinese students studying abroad. The document explains that the aim is to avoid the financial risks that schools may pose by relying too heavily on the Chinese market.

Professor Marnie Hughes-Warrington, Executive Vice-Chancellor of the National University of Australia (ANU), said at a school conference held in February this year that:

"there is a need to mitigate the risks of a market recession."

The so-called "diversification strategy" is in fact hoping to recruit more students from countries such as India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Vietnam and Singapore.

However, according to the disclosed document, the strategy has not had a significant impact since its inception:

Since 2015, the number of registered students from Singapore and India has increased by 8% and 24.7% respectively, according to statistics.

Over the past five years, however, the number of Chinese students enrolled has risen from 42.1% in 2011 to 59.1% in 2016.

But the report says schools are still largely dominated by the Chinese student market. Although the implementation of diversification strategy is to solve this problem, but it will take a long time to have a significant impact.

At present, the school hopes to create a more diversified and international student body, said Anne Baly, head of international at the Australian National University. She said:

"We welcome and hope very positively that the best and brightest students from all over the world will be able to come to ANU.. For us, having an international campus atmosphere is very beneficial to the students. "

"International students who rely too heavily on a particular country are not a successful form of business because we are looking for diversity. But that doesn`t mean that we no longer accept and welcome Chinese students because they are really excellent students. "

The strategy, she says, is not the result of any racial conflict on campus. The concentration of students from a single country makes it difficult for schools to provide an international atmosphere for students, as most of them choose to interact with students who speak the same language as they do.

In addition, she speculated, the Australian National University is not the only eight universities that are controlling the number of Chinese students.

In the light of the various interpretations of the "diversification strategy" above, it has been found that the reason (jie) is attributed to (kou) simply by one _

Be careful, if you continue to do so for the sake of soft money, the school will be full of Chinese!

So why did Australian institutions of higher learning, led by the Australian National University, start such a move? don`t they love money?

A very important issue is also mentioned in the report published by the school-overseas agents.

The Australian National University, for example, has already partnered with hundreds of overseas education agencies that have become the most direct intermediaries for their overseas admissions. But they believe there is an urgent need for the school`s management to strengthen the management of these agents.

In 2015, the Australian Broadcasting Corporation`s survey program Four Corners, "Degrees of Deception," revealed corruption and deceit among Chinese study agents. The English proficiency of the students is very poor, which completely does not meet the requirements of the school enrollment, academic incompetence, and after graduation, it is difficult to really meet the needs of the job.

And some of these are the overseas partners of the Australian National University.

The head of the international division of the Australian National University says they will be more careful in dealing with the management and admissions of these educational agencies in the future.

In addition, the Australian media reports also mentioned various controversial incidents involving Chinese students:

Last year, the head of a Chinese student organization at an Australian National University clashed with clerks at the school`s drugstore. It is reported that the conflict is caused by the drugstore and (fa) (lun) teaching (gong)-related sensitive publications.

Eventually, the store`s Vietnamese store owner agreed to remove all relevant newspapers in the store, saying that if they did not do so, Chinese students would come out and boycott them and threatened to keep the store from opening.

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There was also a student of mathematics at the National University of Australia who had subrented a room in the hands of a Chinese student at the same university. But because of his discord with his roommates, he was eventually kicked out by his roommate.

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This year, a Ph.D., an Australian national university, produced a video of the love for the party, causing a stir in the Australian media.

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In addition, in January, school officials discovered a variety of Chinese-language (Putonghua)-written generations of advertisements on campus, making them begin to be skeptical and cautious about the academic behaviour of Chinese students.

Looking at all sorts of things, while the number of Chinese students "dominate" the Australian student community, at the same time, along with a series of events related to Chinese students, Australia`s mainstream society seems to be wearing "tinted glasses" when it comes to this group of Chinese students.

They are in large numbers and often in groups.

Some have excellent academic achievements, others have not learned how to hang out.

There are some very rich, and others can always make some big news.

The little editor, in their position, has a bold speculation, and perhaps the institutions may now be thinking of _

This part of the students have seen enough, another batch to see!

The editor concludes, of course, as far as the school implements the new enrollment policy, it is fair to control the proportion of students in different countries and ensure the internationalization of the group of students, and many universities in many countries are already implementing it.

But in the concrete implementation process and operation process, whether these universities really can guarantee the fairness and justice, whether they can really be the same as they desire, the "real good" of people to school is another matter.

The editor only hopes that every student`s chance to apply for a school is fair, and that the school will ensure that truly good students are not buried.

Because the school is worthy of boycott, is those who "occupy the pit do not take a shit" only.

It`s a little rough, but if someone takes over precious educational resources and doesn`t want to cherish and use them at all, then it`s better to give it to someone else who needs it.

*This article does not represent the views of us.

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