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Three thousand people in Sydney rallied against Trump

 21 Jan 2017

Thousands of people in Sydney rallied in Hyde Park after Trump announced his inauguration as president of the United States and campaigned for women.

. About 3,000 people, mostly wearing T-shirts for the Sydney women's parade, gathered at 11:00 on Saturday in front of the Australian-New Zealand War Memorial in Hyde Park. Australia's prominent journalist and news host, Tracy (Tracey Spicer), led the speech.

Hundreds of people waved signs against the new president, Donald Trump, and women's rights, including slogans such as "Women's Rights are Human Rights" and "Trump's ouster."

. Well-known radio host Em (Em Rusciano) also attended the rally. She said the rally was aimed at demonstrating the solidarity of women around the world, especially in the United States. Many American women marched in Washington, given the recent events in Washington, where Trump's inauguration sparked civil unrest. We are here to show their support and show the solidarity of women all over the world. " "I'm glad to see a lot of men here today," she said.

The parade begins on Peter Street and ends at Martin Square, with speeches and performances at the end.

. Protests turned violent during Trump's inauguration in Washington, D.C., where a limousine was burned, shop windows were broken, and people clashed with police.

*This article does not represent the views of us.

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