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It is also true and magical to enjoy the most beautiful South Australia attractions on the Instagram of the Australian tourist Board.

 21 Dec 2018

A straight dirt road passes through the center of the lake, holding water on both sides, with a dazzling pink on one side and a deep blue-green on the other. It looks like NASA's exploration of an alien world, but it's just that South Australia's Mcdonnell Lake (Lake Macdonnell), is located near Penong on the Nullarbor Plain.

South Australia Tourism Office, which has 3.3 million fans from around the world on Instagram, has selected 30 of Australia's hottest attractions on social media, starting from 19 to New year's Eve, which will host a "Christmas 12" event on Instagrams, in a countdown manner. Three per day, posting photos of these attractions.

South Australia has three photos, all from Mcdonnell Lake.

Located west of (Eyre Peninsula), about 860km from Adelaide, this saltwater lake was once a salt mine and is now one of the largest gypsum mines in the world. The algae that like the high salinity of the lake water bring unusual pink to the lake water.

These three photos have been praised 400000 times in the social media. Photos of other attractions in South Australia have also attracted a lot of fans, but the three photos of Lake MacDonnell are at the top of the list.

Nick Henderson, Global Manager of Social Media at the Australian Tourism Agency, said the photos touched a lot of people's hearts on the Internet.

"the amazing natural beauty of Lake MacDonnell gives people imagination," he said. "it's spiritual and attracts people's attention. We want to share these beautiful attractions with the world and hope that more people will set their destination for their next trip in South Australia. "

*This article does not represent the views of us.

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