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Sydney pilot operation of self-driving city rail, it can reach 100 kilometers per hour.

 10 Aug 2018

Pilot operation of a new type of unmanned urban rail train in northwest Sydney. (photo No. 9)

Northwest Sydney is looking forward to decades of new city rail lines, a step closer to official traffic, according to Channel 9.

At present, the Rolls Mountain (Rouse Hill) and Kelleville (Kellyville) have launched a trial operation of the line, passing on the track of the new self-driving rail train, the highest speed of hundreds of kilometers per hour.

New State Transportation Director Constance (Andrew Constance) said: "every major international city has a rail system, we have missed the opportunity before. Until now, we are building a new urban railway network. "

In addition, safety regulators want to ensure high-speed train stability, so they will test all trains.

"from now on until the second quarter of next year, there is a lot of testing work to be done." Said Constance.

Pilot operation of a new type of unmanned urban rail train in northwest Sydney. (photo No. 9)

Next, the train line between Yip Ping (Epping) and (Chatswood) will be closed to prepare for future rail projects.

Trains to and from the two places will be closed for seven months from Sept. 30, when buses will replace trains to serve passengers. It will be a tough time for passengers traveling through the two business districts and the University of Macquarie`s (Macquarie University), but the government insists it is worth it.

Constance said the new rail service system, which will have a train every four minutes, will provide "train-to-train" (turn up and go) service. It can carry 46000 passengers per hour, compared with 24000 passengers per hour in the current train network.

*This article does not represent the views of us.

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