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Last night, Sydney got screwed up like this! The whole city is ignorant: the station crashes, the ground is covered with ice and snow! Holes in the roof! Wear a pot cover on your head when you go out.

 20 Dec 2018

In 10 seconds, a distress call rang, 15000 people sought compensation from insurance companies, estimated losses of $200 million, 20, 000 families lost power, once in 20 years.

This is the number that appeared after the hailstorm hit Sydney yesterday.

(reminder: in this article, you will see the harsh climate of "no film dare to shoot like this"). Minors are invited to refresh their values with their parents.

Many newcomers still hold the impression of Sydney in its promotional film, which is the same all over the world, advertising while deceiving.

In the eyes of Xiaobai, Sydney often comes down to the following:

The white Sydney Opera House and the blue to clear sky,

The magnificent Harbour Bridge, in the afterglow of the sunset, lonely and powerful,

The high-rise CBD seems to have been set up by God in the ocean,

As if through the picture I can feel in the office building to stay up late to catch up with ppt when the sea wind blowing comfortable.

There is always a feature in the beauty of the whole world; they are always in the sunny sun.

However, just yesterday, December 20, 2018, God was the first to shake off his dandruff as he was about to mark his 2222 birthday.

(Sydney yesterday)

His impressions of Sydney collapsed in the minds of many, and it was known that their feelings for the city, which had always been linked to the sun, were only lasting, and disaster-like subversion took place at that moment.

(Sydney yesterday)

Giant hail

Don`t worry, it`s not an earthquake.

December 20 was a good day for Sydney, most of whom started their annual Christmas holiday the next day, and hail came earlier than Santa Claus.

(Sydney yesterday)

Let`s first take a shallow look at the hail from the Australian media reports.

(Sydney yesterday)

It is not difficult to see from the title that the hands of the Australian media writers are shaking as they write.

Sydney Storm: Sydney city was crushed by tennis-sized hail.

Daily Telegraph: Sydney hail, lightning, thunderstorms, plus heavy rain

Sydney`s heaviest hail in 20 years

The giant hail knocked down Sydney

Sydney, baptized by hail and thunderstorms

Between 6.35 centimeters and 6.67 centimeters in diameter, that`s the size of a tennis ball, and if it turns into a hail falling from the sky of the city, the spectacle is self-evident.

Liu Dehua sang in the Ice Rain:

"the cold, icy rain slapped on his face."

This time Sydney`s "ice rain" can definitely make people`s face a rotten potato.

(Sydney yesterday)

Let`s feel the tennis balls that Sydney dropped from the sky first from the microscopic point of view-

This is bigger than the Rock in the cocktail. You tell me it`s hail?!

One hand can be barely held, at least B cup.

It is said that the hail in the above picture has melted part of the Sydney high temperature, the size is still comparable to dragon beads, together with so many, should be able to call the Dragon.

This bowl of hail is like a two-year frozen Lantern Festival, which was supposed to bloom in the pot and hit the ground.

This hailstorm, which has grown into a treasure, fell from the sky and fell in the backyard of our friends. From this, we realized the philosophy that money from the sky may not be a good thing.

Sydney was suffering from fist-sized ice cubes and ping-pong-sized ice bombs, and many complained about why the situation did not pull an anti-aircraft alarm.

Friends living in the South rarely see snow in their hometown, but almost see blood in the Southern Hemisphere.

The hail is said to be inspired by sea urchins, and the surrounding ice thorns have a strong physical penetration effect.

Here, it is believed that the power of the hailstones has been first recognized, and it is reported that such hailstones are rare in the last 20 years.

This kind of ice cannon, oh I`m sorry, even if the hail falls, its power is comparable to the "high-altitude parabolic".

Unfortunately, Sydney is experiencing a besieged attack, hailstones, and you have nowhere to run.

God hail, there is nowhere to escape

At about 05:05 on the 20th, Sydney, which had been sunny for thousands of miles, suddenly had dark clouds.

A hidden uneasiness spread through the air, when Sydney thought the rain was coming, and this time God made them feel strongly that they were still too young.

For a moment, the world outside the window turned into a snowy television screen, and the city hall building could not be seen from QVB`s window.

Hailstones are still within acceptable limits, and drivers can easily sweep away hail jingling on windshields with wipers.

Hail like rain, scattered around people,

At first Sydney thought it was just a "snowfall," while the City Rider had the courage to ride a motorcycle outside.

It is often said that the first step in bringing down the enemy is to loosen its guard.

It seems that God knows this better than man.

Just a few minutes later, Sydney`s sky returned to sunshine and even a rainbow.

At this time, people who have just begun to talk about Sydney`s "Yin and Yang days" must not have imagined that the weather just now was just a "love story", and then God became a member, and the real drama had just begun!

Only forty minutes later, about 06:11, a real disaster struck.

Tennis-sized hail is back!

The people on the street are unprepared, smashed into the head of the rat run!

The actions of the woman and uncle below make the old editor conclude that they must be of Russian origin and can bear pain that ordinary people cannot bear!

By contrast, the following woman is frightened by a scene in front of her, just now the "gentle snow-like" weather how suddenly violent!

Sydney CBD was the first to fall, the rush hour full of crowds of streets suddenly empty, but these two smashed into the streets of the bicycle stand, early peak was riding, late peak was hailstorm.

The hailstorm may also make "Sydney Light Rail another year late" tomorrow`s headlines.

Machine gun hail fell around the construction section,

People have to stop their work,

It`s important to save your life.

Everyone pay attention to the strength of the hail falling on the ground, such a scene seems to be seen only when the game characters zoom in.

Note the weather in the image below, and the hail falls on the ground with the sun, sunny days bring not only thunderbolt, but also hail.

The sky-high hail seeped into all corners of Sydney,

They smack on the lawn, they blow waves in the pool,

If you hit a hole in the windshield, you won`t kill anyone on the road.

A man sits in his house, hailstones come from heaven.

The University of Sydney, located in CBD, was unable to escape this baptism. Outside the campus, it seemed that the big wall had been smashed out of the way, and the road had been ravaged so that the road was "totally different", and it seemed that it was all about to be smashed.

On campus, the dense hail seemed to cover the big teaching building with a layer of gauze, and the roads and lawns of the school were also covered with hail of the size of fists.

It can be seen that the present academic is more and more difficult to do, in the past academic must withstand the wind and rain, but now, academic can also withstand hail.

You want to go fishing in this situation?

Well, I advise you to be smart.

This life was given by the boat board.

Such a raging attack naturally brought a lot of trouble to this city of Sydney and to these people.

Next you will know that this hail is not the question of whether or not to kill a person, but the question of whether or not a person can leave a whole body.

collapsing force

Without the need for multiple words, the word "destructive power" is enough to summarize the shock of this part.

After the hail, the natural rain cleared up, and Sydney as a whole presented a picture

The scene of "post-disaster reconstruction".

The tables and chairs in many outdoor restaurants were damaged to varying degrees, and shopkeepers were dissatisfied with the disaster on Christmas Eve and decided to tell their children the truth about Santa Claus as bullshit this Christmas.

"Mom, what is this?"

"the eggs left over by Santa Claus."

The biggest loss is for car owners who are so confident about the windshield that they park outside. Let`s take a look at the damage.

This is the hailstorm after gathered in the car insurance company waiting for the repair procedures of the crowd, what extent of damage to their car?

And that`s how it`s going to be..

The hail played a game of chess on the rear windshield of the Volkswagen.

Unfortunately, the five-piece game on the two cars seems to have split between the victories and the losers.

The cars were unfortunately caught in hailstones that liked to play go.

Some hail is less elegant, they do the most violence damage to the windshield.

Some hail is rich in philosophy, everything is empty, into a hole.

Of course, it could be a big hole.

Even parked in the shed did not escape the damage, as mentioned above, this time the hail came out of penetration equipment.

The windows of the residents` homes have also been damaged to varying degrees.

I don`t know why this family chose to breathe in the hailstorm weather.

Due to excessive precipitation, some roads have been flooded to varying degrees, resulting in vehicles unable to pass through.

The passengers at the airport are the victims of any severe convective weather, and on this day they will have to stay for another night.

Passengers at the train station were also affected, with Sydney`s rail transit, which was already in trouble, paralysed again by hailstones, and the station was filled with "swaying" crowds.

Some underground garages have also been smashed into leaks, and for a moment there is a vested feeling of a water curtain hole.

This once-in-20-year hailstorm also made netizens blow up the sky and scan Time line. All over the world in an instant.

People are surprised that this kind of thing can be dropped in the sky, and the cause of dinosaur extinction needs to be further studied.

Netizen: ready to be cremated at any time

The netizen said that if the hail into steamed bread, one will be full.

Many people complain that Australia`s Christmas is in the middle of summer without snow, and now God uses all of his inventory to round up Australians` dreams.

Australia is everything, the netizen said, even hail in the gym issued an annual card.

The two netizens expressed surprise at the hailstones in the summer. The old editor described the hail as "Yuan Bao", but someone even thought of the abalone.

Yes, it may be that God is dumping the ammunition depot on the ground.

It may be the saddest thing for a soldier to be killed by a grenade instead of a blow-up.

Other netizens online compared to the size of hail, but also complained of Sydney sunny and rainy weather.

Disaster from the sky, there is a real possibility of death at any time

The hail officially refreshes people`s values. It turns out that there are still such violent weather in the world.

This kind of hail may only be felt in Sydney. I hope your friends will pay attention to safety and fight Boxing Day. smoothly.

The hail is considered to be the strongest hail in 20 years, and it seems that it took God 20 years to hold it back.

It is hoped that our friends will be careful in such bad weather:

1, move the vehicle to an occludable zone.

2, hide the fragile goods in the hospital.

3, take care to unplug the dangerous electrical appliance.

4, stay indoors as far as possible away from the surrounding glass.

5, stay away from falling wires and live objects.

6, if you need help, call 000 for help in time, but be prepared for useless psychology.

Finally, to announce the good news, according to the Australian Meteorological Service, Sydney will still be sunny and sunny during Christmas, and everyone will have another 40-degree Christmas.

*This article does not represent the views of us.

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