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Wiki decryption founder Assange gets New Australian Passport

 22 Feb 2019

Wiki decryption founder Assange gets a new Australian passport. (Sydney Morning Herald Photo)

Fugitive Wiki decrypted (Wikileaks) founder Assange (Julian Assange) won a new Australian passport after lengthy talks with Australia`s government about whether he was wanted for "serious crimes committed overseas."

Australian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade officials confirmed to the Senate Review Committee hearings on Thursday that government had accepted Assange`s 2018 application for a new Australian passport, the Sydney Morning Herald reported. "Assange does have an Australian passport," said Todd (Andrew Todd), head of Consul and crisis Management.

Assange will breathe a great relief. Reports say Ecuador`s government may be preparing to end its political asylum in Assange. Authorities, Sweden, has been hiding in the Ecuadorian embassy in London since 2012, when he was asked to extradite Mr. Assange as a suspect in the rape case, which ended in 2017.

The new Australian passport will facilitate Assange`s return to Australia. Assange has been without a passport since his last passport expired years ago.

Barnes (Greg Barns), Australia`s lawer and adviser to the founder of the Wiki decryption, said Assange`s success in obtaining a new passport was due to former Australian Foreign Minister Bill (Julie Bishop). He said he has made a lot of efforts to ensure Assange`s successful access to an Australian passport to maintain his rights, which is owned by Australia`s citizen.

Barnes said it was time for Morrison (Scott Morrison) government to actively address Assange`s problems. "the Australian government is bound to play an important role in resolving the Assange issue," he said.

According to the documents, Assange`s lawer Robinson (Jennifer Robinson) in the UK applied for a new passport on behalf of Assange to Australia`s government in mid-2018.

It is reported that Australia`s Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade Department issued a new passport to Assange in October last year. The department also said at the time on the hearings that Assange`s passport application had "not been rejected." But the news that Assange had an Australian passport was not confirmed until Thursday.

*This article does not represent the views of us.

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