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Han Xin, the leader of the Party of one country, once again exploded his thunderous remarks, saying that victims of domestic violence love to lie.

 18 Sep 2019

Han Xin says female make love falsely claims to have been subjected to domestic violence (Guardian photo)

Han Xin (Pauline Hanson), leader of the Australian National Party, claims that women lie about being abused in order to gain an advantage over family court. The comments caused an uproar among family violence activists.

On Wednesday, Han Xin, a national party senator, told the Australian Broadcasting Corporation that some women would fabricate family violence accusation. In the process of vying for custody, the Guardian reported.

Han Xin said, Unionparty government had contributed to her decision to review the family law system. She will also be jointly responsible for the review.

"some people do nothing but lie, they play these tricks on court. I hear too many cases where parents use family violence complaints to prevent the other party from touching their children," Han said. "there are perjury charges in our system, but these people are not subject to perjury accusation."

Asked if there was any evidence that women fabricate complaints of domestic violence, Han Xin said it came from her personal experience and that "public submissions also prove that this is indeed the case."

This idea is one of the main dissatisfaction of patriarchal groups, but has been widely questioned in a number of studies.

Hill (Jess Hill), author of (See What You Made Me Do), a book on domestic violence, said a comprehensive Canadian survey of fake domestic violence accusation found that parents without custody, usually fathers, made the most frequent false complaints, accounting for 43 percent of the total. This was followed by neighbors and relatives, accounting for 19 per cent, while mothers accounted for only 14 per cent.

Han Xin said she did not favour either side, but only thought that the child needed to contact both parents.

*This article does not represent the views of us.

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