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The gate of the Chinese alma mater's school was hit and killed, the drunk driver was sentenced to 13 years.

 13 Sep 2018

Dai Mei and her daughter Yuan Xinyu were killed in the car accident. (photo by News Channel 9)

The driver was sentenced to 13 years` imprisonment in a Melbourne car accident that killed Chinese mothers and daughters on Sept. 13, news channel 9 and the Australian news agency reported.

On Aug. 9, 2017, Dai Mei (Meili Dai, 44, and her 14-year-old daughter, Yuan Xinyu, (Xinyu Yuan, attended the parents` meeting and left at (Lighthouse Christian College), the lighthouse Christian school in (Cranbourne), Keramoto. But collided with Anderson (Thomas Charles Adamson) `s car on the (Gippsland Highway) Gypsland Road. Dai Mei died on the spot, Yuan Xinyu later declared dead. At the time of the accident, Anderson was drunk, speeding, and the driver`s license had been revoked before.

Anderson pleaded guilty to two counts of driving death and one count of driving without a license. On Sept. 13, the Victoria County Court (County Court) sentenced Anderson to 13 years in prison for at least nine years before parole.

Judge Reese (Trevor Wraith) said Anderson`s behavior on the day was self-indulgence. He was angry and ignored the safety of other passers-by. The judge, however, found Anderson to show genuine remorse.

Anderson was previously convicted of drunken driving and his license was revoked for nine months. It was understood that Anderson had been drinking and quarrelling with his girlfriend and parents before the incident.

The site was only 14 metres away from the school gate, while the victim`s vehicle was pushed out 49 metres and rushed through the cable guardrail and fell into the ditch. Anderson`s vehicle continued 91 metres after the collision. Experts estimate that before the brakes, he was traveling at a speed of 155 kph and 165 km / h.

Anderson was also injured in the accident.

Dai`s beautiful husband and son came to court, and her parents and brothers flew from China to Australia to attend the trial.

During the plea trial, Dai`s beautiful husband, Yuan Zhenhuan, read a statement. He said he felt helpless by the death of his wife and daughter. "my mind has completely broken down. I am alone now. Day and night no longer make any difference to me. " He said。 His son, Jack (Jake Yuan), also said he did not want to believe that his two loved ones had left him forever and that his life had lost its meaning.

Anderson`s family also listened and hugged Anderson as he left.

*This article does not represent the views of us.

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