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Knowledge of essential visits and drug purchases in Australia

 17 Jan 2018

Over the past few days, Weibo and moments have been brushed up by news from Li Bingbing. Li Bingbing has been suffering from a fever in Australia for 16 consecutive days, and people have been unable to walk, but Australian doctors say they cannot be diagnosed. Return to see, the original is tonsillitis!

It is difficult to seek medical treatment abroad, and the international students are the big group among them. Lazy horse today for everyone to popularize, in Australia how to see a doctor quickly, what are the pitfalls and misunderstandings in the process of seeing a doctor! Hope that the students in foreign countries should take good care of their own health oh ~

Public hospital VS private hospital

Public medical system

Medical expenses are paid by the Australian government and individuals.

To see a doctor in the public health care system, you need to hold a Medicare card (Medicare is the name of the national public health care system, an Australian government agency). Australian citizens, permanent residents of (PR), some bridge visa, certain TR holders (if you apply for the ultimate purpose of visa is to apply for PR, then you can apply for Medicare card) can have a Medicare card.

Characteristics of the public medical system

Pay less or no outpatient fee. There is no need to pay for all kinds of tests (such as blood tests, X-rays, etc.). There is no need to pay for the hospital (medicine, care, bed, etc.). The cost of the medicine needs to be paid on its own (the cost of the medicine during the hospital stay is basically not paid). Does not include dental, physical therapy (such as massage, acupuncture, Chinese medicine, etc.) expenses (adolescent dental support). You can only see a doctor in a public hospital. You can't choose a doctor or a hospital. For some diseases, you may need longer waiting times to receive treatment.

If PS: has a Health Care Card, it may not have to pay for teeth, physiotherapy, and minimal medication. (persons receiving government benefits and persons suffering from chronic illness may apply for Health Care Card cards)

Private medical system

Medical expenses are paid jointly by insurance companies, individuals and the state. The proportion of individual payments is determined by the insurance company.

Anyone can take out private insurance (the largest private health insurance company is called Medibank, which obviously has a special relationship with Medicare)

Private medical insurance is divided into three main categories

PS: you can choose to go to a specific private hospital and doctor, needless to say, the cost of each hospital is different.


Where should I go to see a doctor?

If you're feeling a little uncomfortable,

The first consideration is to go to Chemist (pharmacist), a general drugstore (Pharmacy). Unlike in China, these pharmacists are not just salesmen.

If you are uncomfortable, they can give you some advice. In general, their attitude is very good.

For example, you have itching, nose inventilate, hemorrhoids, beriberi and so on. You can all go to Chemist,. They'll recommend you some commonly used drugs.

Often see students in the home with common drugs, in fact, there is no need at all. There are no fewer types of drugs than at home and are imported from all over the world. As far as the price is concerned, the average drug is between $3 and $10.

If you have an OSHC card, you can also call Medibank at 1800 644,325.


If you do feel sick,

If you really feel sick and need to see a doctor, the first thing you have to do is go to Clinic. Many clinics require reservations and, of course, crowded neighborhoods have doctor clinics to visit at any time. Some clinics are open at night and on weekends.

There are two types of clinics, one labeled Bulk Billing,. If you have an Media Carecard or an OSHC card, no outpatient fee is charged. Another is that if you have an Media Carecard or an OSHC card, you may charge about $30 / 50 for a clinic.

In general, BulkBill's doctor may not be serious enough to send you away in a few minutes. The reason is that all GP patients receive certain subsidies from the government for each patient they see. For GP in bulkbill, they have to look at more patients to protect their income levels.

The doctor prescribed the medicine. You need to go to the drugstore to buy it. The next door to the clinic is usually a drugstore. In the case of prescription drugs, you need to deliver a prescription at a specific place in the drugstore, and then wait a while to give you the medicine. While giving you the medicine, chemist will tell you how to use it and how to pay attention. You need to pay the full cost of the general medicine.

If you think it's serious,

If you think your condition is serious, you need to call your GP, and ask him to introduce you to the hospital or to a specialist. You can't go to the hospital directly to see a doctor or specialist, which has nothing to do with whether you have private health insurance.

In case of an emergency, you can go directly to the hospital's accident and emergency department or call a thousand ambulances. In Victoria, if you don't have an ambulance insurance (Media Carecard does not include ambulance insurance), you need to pay for the ambulance. But Queensland does not need to buy ambulance insurance, paid by the government.

There are countless CLINC in Australia, especially in crowded places. But hospitals are not many. Melbourne, for example, has only six public hospitals and a number of private hospitals. That's why you can't go directly to the hospital. There are not enough doctors to receive patients.

If you have an Media Carecard or an OSHC card. You don't have to pay for all the expenses of public hospitals. Include your various treatments, examinations, food, care of patients who cannot take care of themselves, and so on. If you have an OSHC card, private hospital expenses should also be reimbursed, but there may be restrictions.


give first aid treatment

Emergency call 000

When you make an emergency call, someone says Police,Fire, Ambulance? All you have to do is say, Ambulance, they'll transfer the phone to first aid.

Another 24-hour medical consultation call from goverment Australia is 1800 022 222

Noun interpretation

OSHC (Overseas Student Health Cover) overseas Student Medical Insurance. (a form of private insurance)

Medibank the name of the Australian Public Health system.

Medicare the name of Australia's largest private health insurance company.

Bulk Billing literally means "volume bill." No outpatient fee is charged if a clinic indicates that it is Bulk Billing,. (you need a Medicare card or private health insurance.)

The doctor at the GP (General practitioner) clinic is GP.. They look at everything. If they think you need to see an expert, (Specialist), they'll give you a letter of introduction before you can see an expert.

Dr. Specialist, you can't go directly to the specialist. You need a letter of introduction from GP.

the wrong region

1. I have private medical insurance. I don't charge money to see a doctor.

You have private health insurance and you still have to pay a certain fee for seeing a doctor. Depending on your condition, the proportion you need to pay is also different.

2. The painkiller is not a serious disease and cannot be taken.

Doctors in China generally do not prescribe painkillers. But it's very common here. The most common painkiller, panadol, is available in supermarkets and supermarkets. Because Western medicine pays attention to the use of drugs to relax your body, rest, let the body to overcome the disease.

3. Be sure to take medicine when you catch a cold

You need a rest instead of a pill when you catch a cold. This is what I saw in the brochure of the local clinic.

4. You can see a doctor if you buy insurance.

It usually takes 3 to 12 months to buy insurance. Different diseases require different waiting times But there are times when insurance companies do promotions and some illnesses don't take time to wait.

Australia's health insurance system is very complex, especially private insurance. Please be careful. For example, some students used to see Medibank say they can wash their teeth for free. When you have washed your teeth, you still have to pay for it. The reason is that Medibank says there are three different types of tooth washing, and that one of the students doesn't reimburse a penny. Therefore, the above text only for reference, specific matters you need to ask the relevant department or company for details and restrictions.

*This article does not represent the views of us.

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