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The 91-year-old first batch of Chinese Australian female soldiers held up their national flag today to participate in the Australian-New Zealand Legion Day.

 25 Apr 2018

Originally speaking Chinese and Cantonese and leading a Chinese lifestyle, he became one of the first 21 Australian Chinese female soldiers. In 1945, it was also the last year of World War II. She became a password breaker for the Australian Air Force, and that year, she was 18.

This was one of the first Chinese-Australian women to join the second world war: Catherine spring man

(image from ABC)

Katherine Spring Man, 91, was born in Sydney with an Australian-born Chinese mother and a father who emigrated to Australia from Guangdong in the early part of the last century.

According to spring man, parents married, did not imagine smooth.

(image from ABC)

It turned out that in the early years, as a result of Australia`s white policy, fathers were regarded as "foreigners and enemies" and had not been identified as Australians from the beginning to the end. After marriage, the mother was deprived of Australian nationality and was also regarded as a foreigner. Therefore, they must often go to the police station to report.

Note: Australian White Policy: a generic term for Australia`s federal racist policy against Asian immigrants, which discriminates against Asians. In 1901, after the establishment of the Commonwealth of Australia, The first Conservative Party of Australia (the Liberal Party`s predecessor), the government, was officially established as a basic national policy, allowing only white immigrants to flow into the country. In 1972, the Australian Labour Party`s government formally abolished the policy.

As a child, the negative effects of discrimination and racism undoubtedly cast a shadow over an early age that should have been full of sunshine, says Mr Quimarne as a child. The impact of discrimination and racism is no doubt a shadow of what should have been a sunny infancy. But he was grateful that he could still serve in the army.

(image from ABC)

"all three sisters have sons or husbands in the defense forces," he said. In traditional Chinese thinking, girls don`t leave their homes before they get married, but Quan Man is proud of a military family like this who joined the army early.

The Australian Air Force Women`s Auxiliary Service, the world`s largest women`s service during World War II, was a dream place as a teenager. At the age of 18, she was enlisted, like 65,999 women, in the army. He became a password breaker.

In the Women`s Auxiliary team, Mr. Quan was involved in translating some important confidential information between Chinese and English. It was such a job that was later subsumed into the national security law that laid a solid foundation for Mr. Quan to become an outstanding Chinese woman soldier.

The days she had spent with women in the army were especially memorable in the image of Quan Man.

Instead of being discriminated against and racially discriminated against in the army, he and his sister get along well with the Australian girls, which has put the shadowy spring man of his childhood on guard, Mr. Quinman said, adding that he and his sister are not being discriminated against in the army and that they are getting along well with the Australian girls.

After World War II, he moved to the United Nations Relief and Relief Agency (UnitedNations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration (), where he worked with his sister to advise on humanitarian work.

(image from ABC)

In 1979, Quan Marne returned to Australia, and this is the first time she has reunited with her family after 30 years. Since then, Quan Marne has been working as an honorary secretary of the Australian Air Force Women`s Auxiliary Team`s Western Australia Division until 2016.

Today, Kaplan`s niece, Kelaine Penn, has also become a history researcher, using her lifetime`s energy to tell the story of Chinese-Australian veterans to the world.

(image from ABC)

Today is Australian-New Zealand Legion`s Day, watching Australian veterans in blond hair and military attire carry Australian flags up and down the streets, and anyone can imagine that black-haired and yellow-skinned Chinese veterans have shed blood for Australia.

When it comes to the Australian and New Zealand Legion, in Quinn`s words, the idea is of a blonde Australian, but among them, people of different complexion come from different backgrounds.

*This article does not represent the views of us.

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