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Australian supermarket goods are exposed to be short of two, frozen seafood is the most serious

 26 Sep 2018

The Australian National Institute of Metrology examines the shortage of supermarket commodities (Daily Mail photo)

Supermarkets across Australia are suspected to have a shortage of goods, causing losses to consumers, and the authorities will crack down on them.

According to the Daily Mail, Australian consumers often encounter the problem of falsely marking the weight of the product when buying groceries, and then the price is raised. This means that consumers pay money, but do not get the corresponding value of the goods.

In some cases, consumers have 20% less weight than they actually deserve.

In response to questions, Australia`s National Institute of Metrology (National MeasurementInstitute of Australia) this year will sample inspection of Australia`s supermarkets weighing 10, 000 units and 60, 000 packaging products. As part of the survey, Australia`s National Institute of Metrology will send "mystery customers" to supermarkets to buy 1000 times.

Australian supermarket chains such as Coles,Super IGA,Aldi,Cosco and Woolworths are under investigation.

(Department of Industry, Innovation and Science) minister Sasaga (Zed Seselja) of the Australian Department of Industry, Innovation and Science said businesses should follow some basic principles to ensure consumers get the right items to keep in mind.

Bartlett (Malcom Bartlett) of (Trade Measurement Services), an Australian trade measurement service, told Channel 9 that frozen seafood was the most serious problem, with merchants often adding water to gain weight.

Bartlett pointed out that the accumulation of false weight-bearing losses would also reach a considerable amount.

*This article does not represent the views of us.

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