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Zhang Zhisen: Study in Australia, from a worker to a counselor in the House of Lords

 19 Sep 2020

Zhang Zhishen

Character card: Zhang Zhisen

Zhang Zhisen leave China to Australia for 30 years, now in his early years, half of his life in China and half in Australia. From China to Australia, from a worker to running his own business, from a scholar to a businessman, from a successful lecture to a current affairs review, from community service to parliament work, from personal struggle to active public welfare activities to give back to society, Zhang Zhisen is representative of Chinese immigrants.


A hard working life has gained a lot

The first year of China's college entrance examination recovery in 1977, Zhang Zhisen went to Shanghai to study, after graduation was assigned to Shanghai Health and epidemic Prevention Station (now Shanghai Disease Control Center) virus room for 10 years, mainly engaged in polio, infantile diarrhea virus research.

In those years, Shanghai was setting off a fever of study in Australia, and the epidemic prevention station was next to the Australian Consulate in Huaihai Middle Road. With the help of a good friend, he finally got a visa.

Just arrived in Australia, Zhang Zhisen while reading while working, everything to do. A friend introduced him to apply for a welder, although he had never done it, he also said he had experience, the result of a demonstration revealed the stuffing. The boss gave him the opportunity to see him work hard and sincere. Zhang Zhisen recalled that Australia is very hot in summer, every day when doing electric welding work clothes are soaked by sweat; work welding arc to the eyes are very irritating, eyes often redness and inflammation; high temperature welding stimulates the skin, face often desquamate. Zhang Zhisen constantly warned himself: since the boss paid me, I should be worthy of the boss, should create value. He worked hard to improve the welding technology and soon became a welding master in the company.

Looking back on this experience, Zhang said, as long as you have a heart, a good attitude, life can learn anytime, anywhere, fun is everywhere. The small factory that worked at that time became a social university for him. Because the factory was small, he could observe how the boss caught the guests, got the orders, how to deal with suppliers, how to manage employees, improve efficiency, how to save money, how to solve all kinds of problems encountered every day, and so on. Later, he and his boss became good friends, in the meal and drink chat also learned his business ideas, investment ideas, and even the way of life and life values. The friendship has been maintained until now.

In the process of working, Zhang Zhisen realized: there is no humble job, as long as it meets your life goals, let you learn to grow and gain is a good job. Without useless experience, every moment of life is carving a unique you. And once you have a long-term clear goal in life, go all the way, always reach your destination.

In the small factory of 3 years of exercise, let Zhang Zhisen feel that is no longer difficult.

2 After completion of studies ," abandonment of medical service "

Three years of work, Zhang went to the Department of Infectious Diseases of the University of Sydney Medical School to study master degree, genetic variation of hepatitis A virus. He studied during the day, went to fast-food restaurants in the evening, baked fish, worked at construction sites on weekends, and contracted cleaning work for several families.

Due to 10 years of research experience in the epidemic prevention station, coupled with hard work, Zhang Zhisen quickly completed his master's degree and stood out in more than 150 applications, and got the work of Sydney Institute of Child Medicine affiliated to the University of Sydney. The tutor, a well-known and academic gentleman, soon accepted him as a full scholarship doctoral student to analyze the genetic causes of unlimited growth of cancer cells.

Long hours of desk work, a few years later Zhang Zhisen fell more serious cervical spondylosis, the doctor told him, if continue to work like this, will make the disease irreversible aggravation. Thinking twice, Zhang Zhisen decided to give up research and go to sea. For the first time in business, he borrowed some goods from his friends and put the money in to buy more. A few years later, with some accumulation, he first purchased a container of glasses for wholesale.

Please do your own sales if you can't afford a full-time salesperson. Zhang Zhisen recalled that at that time, he was not very fluent, with an accent in English, broke into the store, to the busy shop assistant shyly asked, can you sell my glasses? The result, of course, is to refuse or refuse. However, when he dragged his tired body back home and saw the room full of glasses, he told himself he had no choice.

Under the guidance of his friend, he tried to attend the fair, hired local people to do sales, business slowly. During the process of starting a business, the wife, the children, the parents do their best, all go into battle —— the wife manages the daily operation of the company, the mother cooks, takes the child, the father helps to make the glasses display frame. At that time, the 8-year-old daughter could run a shop alone on weekends.

Some friends feel pity that Zhang Zhisen has given up his major, but Zhang Zhisen says that from business, it is not the same quality and skill as learning, but also the same life experience and harvest. He doesn't regret it.

3. Sharing of successful experiences and community interest

Zhang Zhisen is a thoughtful person, in his own life course, he always does not forget to summarize and review, extract valuable life experience. After his successful career, he guided young people to the road of success with positive energy and positive attitude through blogging, various media interviews, radio lectures, personality counseling and so on.

By 2015, Mr. Zhang was invited to open an air wisdom life lecture at ac 2 Australian Chinese Radio. The wisdom life forum aims at the characteristics, confusion and needs of the young people, and shares some of the wisdom necessary for a successful life with the young people who are going to society, the people who are ambitious on the road to success, and the parents who hope to succeed. Through this discussion, he hopes to make the young audience know themselves more systematically and comprehensively, set the correct goal of life, draw up the plan needed to achieve this goal, and make the method, ability, quality and mentality necessary to realize this plan. The lecture lasted 29 months and the audience responded well.

Mr. Zhang says he has now reached the retirement age standard and has gone through the life stage where making money is the main goal. Although long-term wandering outside, but deep in the heart or deeply branded the Chinese culture. He has a strong desire to contribute to the promotion of friendly relationship between his ancestral and resident countries.

In view of these ideas, Zhang Zhisen has done a lot of social work in the past few years. Among other things, it has organized thousands of hip-hop parties in front of the Sydney Opera House to promote Chinese culture, and played a leading role in major activities affecting the social interests of the Chinese people, such as anti-racial discrimination, anti- councillor insult to China, and preventing the Chinese New Year celebration in Sydney from becoming Chinese. In order to serve the Shanghai homecoming, he made money to hold community public service dances, to help single people, to help Shanghai villagers who encounter sudden difficulties, and even to contribute his own warehouse as the clubhouse of the Shanghai homecoming.

Zhang Zhisen, the editor-in-chief of the media invited commentator, also wrote a lot of research articles on China's current development and the relationship of Australia and China, and made a rational voice in the Australian national media, the local Chinese media and the Chinese national media.

4 Senior Advisor to the State House of Lords, Voice for Chinese

After many years of struggle, business gradually stabilized, career became easy, life gradually comfortable, but Zhang Zhisen heart but feel some lack, he began to think about how to use his success to give back to society, his accumulated network, experience, knowledge for the Chinese community to do what they can.

With his position as senior adviser to the Office of the Deputy Speaker of the House of Lords of the parliament of New South Wales, Mr Cheung gained a deeper understanding of Australia's political and government processes, as well as engaging more elites from all walks of life, recognizing that the Chinese community is just beginning to participate in mainstream democracy and that there is still a long way to go. Really let the Chinese voice be listened to, valued, let the Chinese community have enough representation in Australian politics, there is still a lot of work to do. He devoted a lot of energy to introducing the events and bills under discussion in the parliament to the Chinese community, so that everyone could understand and encourage everyone to participate in the expression. Zhang Zhisen also uses his own community network to coordinate councillor interaction with the Chinese community, so that councillor can understand the needs of the Chinese community.

Long-term walking with China and Australia, Zhang Zhisen found that Chinese people do not know much about Australia, many things just stay on the surface. Similarly, Australians do not know much about China, many have never even been to China, and the imagination of China remains decades ago. Therefore, he wants to use his special position and social resources to devote himself to relationship research between China and Australia, to introduce the development achievements and opportunities of contemporary China to Australia, to introduce the true situation of Australia to China, and to promote exchanges and cooperation.

*This article does not represent the views of us.

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