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The Australian Police Department issued a warning in Chinese, all Chinese people be careful!

 04 Jun 2018

There is another Chinese in the new state in panic and anxiety to hand over $1.9 million in huge sums! Only when the money was transferred did he realize that he had met a liar!

This virtual kidnapping case, which is aimed directly at all Chinese in Australia, is now becoming more and more appalling! The bereaved virtual kidnappers are still making phone calls to different Chinese compatriots, Chinese Australians, and people who fake embassies speak of intimidation, while their parents and relatives are far away in China. If you don`t know what, you are suddenly missing or kidnapped by your own child in Australia, and you have to hand over a huge ransom immediately.

These people, now not only have not converged, but also the means of crime escalate, it is worrisome that no one criminal gangs still get away with it!

Police suspected that the fake "embassy staff" who forged Australian telephone numbers were conducting fraud in Asia.

According to the new state police, the total amount of money stolen from the victims of reported fraud cases in the new state area alone has exceeded $5 million. About 24.27 million yuan

According to Linda Howlett, head of the new state financial crimes team, three other victims were forced to cooperate with virtual abductions in addition to a new state resident who was deceived of $1.9 million last week.

The new state police are in a hurry, and now they have issued a Chinese version of the warning

This fraud organization is not only committed in the new state, all Chinese people throughout Australia are their target. Before that, a victim responded to the authorities and received a threatening repatriation call from a person who lied about the Shanghai police in China. After that, he was quick to do so. Earlier this month, the South Australian police issued a warning to alert all local Chinese students, migrant workers and Chinese Australians to phone scams.

According to information already available to Western Australian police, three local Chinese victims were defrauded of more than $ three hundred and fifty thousand (nearly seven hundred thousand yuan).

Phone calls, social app, are all their fraud tools, and almost every day, in your Time line, someone sends out their own po for fraud calls.

Just two weeks ago, the Australian Federal Police Department issued a warning to all Chinese compatriots in Australia: beware of virtual kidnapping fraud aimed at Chinese people in Australia!

"the Australian Federal Police Office, (The Australian Federal Police (AFP), is warning the public to beware of a complex new international scam in Australia aimed at the local Chinese community, among the victims of this scheme," he said. Most of them are foreign students, who are told they have committed criminal offences in China.

The swindlers then forced the victim to commit a series of acts on the grounds that their families in China would be hurt if they did not cooperate.

Meanwhile, victims` families in China will be told by swindlers that their families have been kidnapped in Australia and will not be released unless they are given a large amount of money to redeem them.

In each known case, the swindler spoke to the victim in Mandarin and falsely claimed to be a Chinese government official.

Reports of the fraud in Australia have been sent to police officers across the country by Interpol in Canberra and will be contacted by China`s authorities.

Similar cases have been reported worldwide, including Canada and the United States. The Consulate General of the people`s Republic of China has previously warned that Chinese law enforcement agencies will not handle legal cases or verify personal information by telephone with the receiver. "

According to the description of the reported victims, the modus operandi of the syndicate is quite capable of being false:

First of all, the phone numbers they use usually show the official telephone numbers of consulates and embassies in Australia when they reach the victim`s mobile phone.

Then, in the form of "man-made services" that they forged, they further convinced telephone listeners that many of their compatriots often received "official" man-made service "calls. Can not help but state their basic information: name, birthday, place of residence, bank card number.

Then, the victim gets a fake "arrest warrant", "wanted warrant" message from the other party, even if he has not done anything wrong, but in the face of such a realistic "official notice", many people will panic!

The first reaction of many people is that they are afraid of being unable to secure their visa, afraid of being repatriated to their country, jailed for being wrongly accused, bringing danger to their families, and so on, so they hope that the "embassy and consulate staff" on the other side of the phone will help themselves.

Previously deceived victims of foreign students

This group of virtual kidnapping groups, especially know how to master the vulnerability of people, and they found: simple young people are easy to "hook up"!

As a result, they were abducted and suddenly "lost" and followed the instructions of the "staff" to withdraw their "arrest warrant" by cooperating in creating the false image of their abduction to defraud the ransom from their families, or, For victims with high vigilance, criminals will actively contact the parents of the victims through the information they already have, because the victims are required to temporarily cut off contact with the outside world, hide themselves, and so on, making parents mistakenly assume that their children are actually abducted. And immediately handed over the huge ransom!

Parents of Chinese students who were recently deceived

On May 9, 2018, the Chinese Consulate General in Perth issued another urgent warning: a Chinese victim was blackmailed by a criminal and was induced to photograph nude photos, crying to his parents far away in China that he had been kidnapped and asked his family to come to rescue.

The crime trick is escalating again!

By May, the gang`s tactics in Australia were as follows.

"the swindlers impersonated the" Chinese Consulate "in the name of the" Chinese Consulate, "impersonated by technical means the telephone numbers of the Consulate General and the Embassy, and telephoned Chinese students with recorded telephone calls in Falsely claiming that the caller was involved in a counterfeit bank card case and that he was suspected of committing a crime need to assist the police in investigating, requiring the caller to press the recording prompt button to transfer the manual service, and after the caller listens to the recording operation, the defrauded person acquires personal privacy information. The scammers then threatened and intimidated the telegrapher and sent fake public security warrant pages to the caller saying that their parents would be at risk if they did not cooperate with the "investigation".

At the same time, induce the contact person to shoot their nude photos, and cry to their parents that they have been kidnapped, asked for rescue, and so on.

Since then, scammers let the operator cut off mobile phone, social app and other communication channels, hiding and not to talk to family or friends.

Swindlers took advantage of the "loss of contact" between the caller and the outside world, using the caller`s social app or mobile phone to contact the parents of the caller, falsely claiming that the child was "kidnapped," and sending a nude photos that forced the caller to shoot a good picture of the "kidnapping" to prove the authenticity of the "kidnapping". Deceive the parents of a large "ransom".

Because they can`t get in direct contact with their children and have children-related pictures and videos, especially scammers, who can accurately understand and tell parents about their children`s privacy, parents believe that their children are actually abducted. "

This is a nationwide virtual kidnapping incident in Australia, recall the recent exposure of Chinese students suddenly lost in Australia, let people feel cold back!

The Chinese Consulate in Sydney has repeatedly reminded all Chinese citizens of the alarming content of the warning:

Recently, our library again properly dealt with a Chinese student "fictional kidnapping" telecommunications fraud case. Students who are victims of fraud believe that they are involved in major domestic criminal cases, must pay "priority investigation" to prove their innocence. Under the guidance of the swindler, he raised ransom from his parents and classmates because he was "kidnapped". After many efforts, our library successfully contacted the student around 11:00 on the same day of the report to avoid further deception. This case is our library recently disposed of the second "fictional kidnapping" telecommunications fraud case.

Recently, our library received a number of reports that Chinese citizens in the territorial area received telephone calls from telecommunications fraud. The fraudsters impersonated Chinese embassies and consulates abroad to call the victims, and then transferred the phone calls to the "domestic public security organs," and tricked the victims into sending a "security deposit" to the designated account on the grounds that the victims were involved in major cases such as smuggling, money laundering, fraud, and so on. "priority investigation money", etc. For international students, fraud groups ask them to go out and hide, cut off contact with their parents and friends, and then impersonate kidnappers to their families and friends for ransom. In the case, the fraud syndicate may hold some personal information and use technical means to change the call number into the telephone number of the relevant department, falsify the "arrest warrant", "police warrant", and so on, in order to deceive trust.

The Chinese Consulate General in Sydney once again solemnly reminds Chinese citizens in the territorial area:

First, pay close attention to telecommunication fraud. To improve the awareness of security prevention, the unknown person`s phone, even if the other party has personal information such as my name, passport number, also do not believe easily. Chinese embassies and consulates abroad will not remind Chinese citizens in any way of handling personal acts such as passports and visas, nor will they convey notifications from domestic public security organs, banks, express companies, etc., nor will they enquire about bank account information. If you receive a call from the relevant agency, you should confirm the call back after the contact information on its official website, and do not answer any transfer calls.

Second, do not panic, keep in touch with family and friends. If you get a fraud call, you can call the police directly or report it online on the Australian online Crime reporting Network (Australian Cybercrime Online Reporting Network-ACORN). If personal information is inadvertently leaked, you can report it to Australia`s identity and Network support Service (National Identity and Cyber Support Service-IDCARE) online.

Third, if you are deceived, you should call the Australian police in a timely manner (call: 000) and entrust domestic relatives and friends to report the case to the Chinese public security organ as close as possible.

4. Consular protection and assistance at the Consulate-General in Sydney, Tel: 0061 / 2 / 95505519, Ministry of Foreign Affairs / 24-hour Global Consular Protection and Assistance Emergency call: 0086 / 10 / 12308 / 59913991.

At the same time, Chinese consulates in Australia have issued the same warning, and more than once! However, the collective warnings of embassies and consulates are still unable to resist the pace of criminals doing evil. You may find it incredible, but judging from the data held by the police, Chinese consulates and embassies abroad, One after another, Chinese people are being cheated, especially overseas students.

Obviously, this gang has mastered very sophisticated operational experience. From the cases previously exposed, it is found that they can deceive hostage videos from Chinese students involved in the world, and can cut off their contact with their families. "the scam gangs are taking advantage of people`s trust in the government department and fear of what they have done wrong, allowing victims to experience a range of emotional changes, from helplessness, to shame, to anger and guilt."

Remember a few months ago, when the gang first started making waves, many people received their phone calls.

Recall, in Sydney, are you familiar with the fact that the person who falsely claims to be an embassy or consulate asked you questions such as: what`s your name, on the grounds of your passport, or the expiration of your visa? ID number is what, even bank account information and so on.

Most worrisome is that they have "artificial services" to capture the true information of the deceived, possibly even including the victim`s current address, once they have reported their place of residence. Or even to the address provided by the virtual kidnappers to "interview", the consequences of people dare not think.

Throughout 2018, more than five hundred thousand students enrolled at Australian universities, more than 30 percent of whom were Chinese, according to the Ministry of Education and training.

You know, there is no shortage of adults among the deceitees, and these simple children are more likely to be in danger!

When parents far away in China, suddenly received an overseas phone call to tell their children were kidnapped in Australia, even nude photos sent over, lost property will also save their children!

I don`t know, it hit the crook`s trap!

They are still working, not only in Australia, but also in many countries all over the world, to draw the attention of all overseas Chinese and Chinese compatriots: we are all targeted! Especially our next generation. Now he`s been deceived one after another!

Before this group of people are caught, please be vigilant. The following police advice must be kept in mind!

If you receive a phone call threatening you that you are about to be arrested or repatriated, remember, this is definitely a fraud call, not to give them the money, but to hang up immediately and report it to the local police. Never tell a fraudster your personal information, bank card information, or online account information. If so, please contact the bank or financial institution you open immediately, and when dealing with strangers or strange institutional information, Whether by phone, fax, e-mail, personal or social networking, consider the possibility that the law may be a fraudster, if you`re worried about your identity being compromised. You can contact IDCARE, government, Australia. You can fill out the application form online at, or call 1300 432 273.

The Australian Competition and Consumer Council (ACCC) has also officially provided an anti-fraud statement that allows you to read the following to increase your vigilance:

In addition, the following two are once received by a Chinese friend, the fraudster sent false "arrest warrant" wanted warrant ", if you see, directly the first time to list it as a liar!

If you have received calls from criminal gangs, please do not ignore them, but report to the Chinese Consulate General in Australia in time, your help may be the key to solve the case as soon as possible!

The consular protection and assistance calls of the Chinese Embassy and Consulate in Australia are all here!

Please put it away!

Embassy in Australia 02 6228 3948

Consulate-General in Sydney 02 9550 5519

Consulate-General in Melbourne 0417 114,584

Consulate-General in Perth 0416 132,339

Consulate-General in Brisbane 0406 318 178

Consulate-General in Adelaide 0423 680,789

Also hope that all Australian Chinese friends and Chinese compatriots, do not easily reveal their whereabouts on the phone! This fraud gang is very crafty and rampant, do not let them threaten everyone`s personal safety!

*This article does not represent the views of us.

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