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More than 400 residents were evacuated and Sydney's dregs apartment developer appeared, he said.

 28 Dec 2018

A few days ago, we reported the incident of the newly completed Opal Tower project in Sydney, in which more than 300 households were evacuated in an emergency manner on Christmas Eve, more than 3000 people were affected, and 51 units in the building were declared "unsafe and uninhabitable". Other residents were allowed to return to the building.

But less than two days later, the whole building was evacuated again!

This time, the notice requires all residents to be leave within 24 hours and cannot return within 10 days!

(photo source: news 9)

Twice in four days!

The residents can`t stand it at last! Crazy Diss intermediary and developer!

Finally this afternoon, the developer showed up.

A Chinese resident rattled at the scene, but received such a reply.

1, re-evacuate the fire and pour oil on it.

New year`s bell has not sounded, Opal Tower`s fire alarm ring double ring!

It was the second emergency evacuation of the 162 million-dollar landmark building in four days!

(photo source: Australian Financial Review)

What`s wrong with this?!

Since Christmas Eve, when the building clicked, 51 families were not allowed to go home, were placed in dilapidated makeshift shelters after Christmas Day.

The residents who were allowed to go home were no better, and more than 300 residents were restless and restless to sleep.

(photo source: news 9)

Although investigators have stressed that the building is not at risk of collapse for the time being, but there is a big crack in the 10th floor, the whole building has sunk 1mm and 2mm, the whole building has been squeaking and crunching, for who can sleep safely ah!

What if it collapses?

This second evacuation notice is that the opener should invite experts to make a thorough safety assessment, so the residents are required to evacuate for 10 days!

Everybody blew up!

(photo source: news 9)

I can`t stand it, I don`t have to! The residents yelled at the developers angrily!

At this point, four days after the accident! The developer finally showed up in the building for the first time.

The anger of the residents, there is finally a place to vent!

2, developer first appeared

Just as residents were evacuated, developer Icon Construction held a press conference at the scene and issued a statement.

In the statement, Julian Doyle, the company`s chief executive, said, "the residents` temporary accommodation will be arranged within 24 hours."

In other words, they have not yet made arrangements, that is, some residents have to continue to live in the building for one night, or they have to find their own place to live …

"the investigation into the safety of the building may last for 10 days, but we can`t guarantee that."

In other words, maybe more than 10 days, exactly how many days, no one knows …

And for everyone`s most concerned, the cause of the building subsidence, Julian Doyle did not want to give any explanation, just said that there is still a need to investigate …


Nobody knows if they can live in this building, but they want me to stay one more night?

I`ve ruined a good Christmas holiday. Who do you want to pay for it?

The house I bought at a high price says it can`t live, can`t live?

(photo source: news 9)

Angrily, a Chinese resident interrupted the event and faced the camera with a frenzy against Julian Doyle!

"you sent us back, and now you tell us to evacuate?"

What do you think of us as monkeys at Christmas?

"the house you built sucks! we paid for it!"

"how long will we have to wait before we know the final result? Can we be treated fairly? "

In the face of angry questions, developers stuttering, sweating, dry lips, can only respond.

". We`re still investigating. We need time to investigate. "

"We`ve been working with the best engineers in the country to find out why this happens in the building 18 months after it`s been built."

It turns out, I still don`t know why.

But even if they don`t know why, the developers are determined:

It`s definitely not our fault!

(photo source: news 7)

I don`t know where it came from.

Worst of all, the residents of the building.

3. Event review

In the afternoon of Christmas Eve, Opal Tower, the trump apartment in Sydney`s Olympic Park, suddenly made a "cut" sound.

At first, the residents of the building were immersed in the holiday atmosphere, many people and friends and family gathered together to spend an unforgettable Christmas Eve, everyone laughed, chatted, so many people did not care about the building made a strange noise.

(photo source: news 9)

But it became louder and louder, and everyone realized something was wrong.

Someone rang the fire bell. For a moment, the alarm came out, and the residents of the whole building ran out!

More than 300 people fled on Christmas Eve!

(photo source: news 9)

Helicopters hovered around the building, police cars and ambulances standing by!

Even the nearby train has stopped! In case the building really falls down is not a joke, really pressed into a section of train, the casualties will be heavy!

A total of more than 3000 people may have been affected by the emergency evacuation of all the people along the 1 km of the building!

(photo source: news 9)

All afternoon and night, residents are not allowed to return to the apartment.

An ex post investigation revealed that the building had been displaced or subsided by 1 mm or 2 mm, but that no further movement had been made.

In other words, there is no danger of collapse for the time being.

But on the 10th floor of the building, investigators found a big crack.

It was not until midnight that 2/3 of the residents were allowed to return to their apartments, while the other 51 units were declared "unsafe structures", and the 51 families would not be able to return to their apartments for a short period of time.

They had to spend Christmas in the Sydney pavilion, welfare services and activity board rooms.

Finally, for the residents of Opal Tower, this Christmas is truly unforgettable …

It seems that the project of bean curd dregs, where there are, I hope that with the launch of the incident investigation, the truth can be revealed as soon as possible.

*This article does not represent the views of us.

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